Backdrop poster for The Sopranos (1999)
The Sopranos (1999)
Poster for The Sopranos
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This review contains spoilers. Click here to see it anyway.


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@tdonn7 NEVER i hate him forever & ever 🥰💅🏼
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Number 1 Christopher hater
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Lmao it's supposed to be a disturbing episode 💀 I guess I'll take it though, a 5/5 is a 5/5
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@zoopli always 💅🏼
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I am the number 1 Christopher lover
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No way she said satisfying
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@NumberOneGregFan best addition to my self care affirmations 🙏
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And I think this ep did the best thing to Tony's character, the "I GET IT" scene was so powerful, a place i didnt think the show would go
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I hate to Tony way more than I hate Christopher
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@tdonn7 I fully respect that! I personally just strongly hate him, but I respect anyone for feeling the way you do
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Greatest Television Deuteragonist
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@oll1e blud forgot about Greg the Egg 😂😂😂😂😂
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"Call me a taxi, i will never pass a drug test" had me tearing up
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Honestly, the ruthlessness from Tony in this episode is what made it one of his highest character peaks for me. Surreal stuff from him
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@tdonn7 And watching it without being spoiled is something else man
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@tdonn7 are you really not able to understand why it was satisfying for me to see? I don’t hold it against you or anything, I’m just curious
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because it’s perfectly reasonable to hate Christopher, he’s an abhorrent, horrific person who deserves the worst
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@thecinefox maybe if I didn’t get hit with the spoiler, it would’ve MAYBE been somewhat more disturbing, but I’m just happy it happened
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I kind of agree with oll1e but also if you really hate a character I would imagine you would get satisfaction from their death regardless
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@taylorvillax Alright but yeah its the first time seeing someone coming out of this ep and being happy
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@tdonn7 after everything he did throughout the show, I think it only makes sense I’d get satisfaction seeing it
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@nowhere2go The best three words said in tv
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@tdonn7 I understand, I’m def in the almost nonexistent percentage of people who hate him as much as I do (which is pretty surprising to me)
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Yeah lets not cut corners guys, Chrissy is fucking horrible like even me his biggest fan HATED him many many times during the show
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I mostly just adore his character and how relatable he sometimes was with his conflicts and struggles
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Its like u are THE most passionate hater of Chrissy on this app and its alright
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@thecinefox yeah & it’s made some sopranos fans hate ME more than Christopher 😭
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Get Chrissy past Omar first lil bros
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Chrissy is pretty overrated as a character imo but he has a strong arc, Carmella is better
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@MrPeakBot So damn close but Chrissy>= imo
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Guys, episode 19 is WAY more disturbing & heartbreaking ):
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Yess it is fr
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@tdonn7 AJ is so damn well written in S6
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6x19 made me cry so hard AJ is the most relatable character ever
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Aj negs like child side characters
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AJ has been one of the most consistently well written characters in this show way before S6 honestly. Top tier character writing
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Fr Sopranos writing is the best
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This comment section might turn into an AJ Soprano apologist ladder 😭
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@tdonn7 Easily bro
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@tdonn7 "I have to get a vasectomy when this is my male heir"
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@tdonn7 I personally feel The Wire is the best written show of all time, but I also feel like nothing will ever top it for me
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@nowhere2go chrissy negs carm lmao
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@MrPeakBot mf chrissy sweeps the goddaam floor with omar
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Wire is close but I think Mad Men is also better written than Wire
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I think having the perspective I do with The Wire is what helps me understand the show in a way others don’t which make me hold it as my #1
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prob forever, even if I do find something that has better writing. It could be bias, but that show means the world to me
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This is me with Mad Men
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Taylor move tw to #1 position in your profile
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@oll1e Would look better fr
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This is me with my top 4
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I wanna rearrange my top 5 favorites on my profile but idk how to place them all 😭 I just sacrificed BrBa’s spot with The Wire recently
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@tdonn7 Sfu is my fav Lost victim
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@taylorvillax Good, Wire destroys Brba
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BrBa > Succession tho still 🗿🗿
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@tdonn7 I know but I still love BrBa 😭 plus, it was my introduction to television so I’ll always hold it close to heart
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It's close tho both overrated and are more style over substance
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@nowhere2go Biggest W in history
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But yeah BrBa I first watched when I was 13 it was like the best thing ever back then
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what has chrissy done to you 😭 w rating tho best sopranos ep
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Best episode in the show
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Tony’s look when choking Chris was genuinly horrifying
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@pastasauceism he doesn’t have to do anything directly to me in order for me to hate him. We all know what he’s done throughout the show 😭
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This was one of those moments where my jaw dropped and I went “no…NO!” Couldn’t believe Tony did it.
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Doesn’t change the fact Taylor loves Chrissy
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@AndreasBolton right?!? He looks like a horror villain! The shadow and his face. Fucking sinister!
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@ConorBrowny he’s the best 🥲
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One day you’ll realise what a poor and misunderstood person Chrissy is
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Chrissy my goat🗣🗣
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@SaltedRutabaga AJ Soprano is king
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Aj goated
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[Comment removed for violating community guidelines]
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Bro’s upset
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@taylorvillax throughout this thread and many other times you've called The Wire your favourite show so out of curiosity, why isn't it in your favourite shows on your profile? Anyways I agree with the sentiment that as much as it makes sense to be happy that he's gone and he is 100% a fucking awful person, don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise, it's still a really gut-wrenching episode which definitely wasn't intended to be satisfying to watch.
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@nowhere2go how tf is Breaking Bad style over substance
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Brba is style over substance because its the most popular show oat (loses its substance because normies like it) and its too mucv style because it has good cinematography
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@tdonn after seeing Christopher beat & abuse women throughout this show, this review is 100% warranted and I don’t see how you could’ve expected me to be sad over it 😭
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like I get he’s your favorite character & I respect that, but we both know all the annoying + outright awful things Christopher did that made me so angry with him. To say you hate my review of me feeling satisfied such a horrific women beating misogynistic, racist, & disgusting character like him conclude this way is off putting 😭 you can’t act like it’s unreasonable for me to dislike him, especially on first viewing
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@tdonn wait I feel bad now I didn’t mean to come off harsh 😭 (I promise I’ll give the show a rewatch one day)
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but I honestly thought Tony had one of the best character highs I’ve ever seen when he did *that* to Christopher. I unfortunately got spoiled on that this was Christopher’s last episode, but It just had me stunned that Tony was the one to do it. I didn’t see it coming at all, but for some reason I just think it was amazing? I know everyone thinks it’s disturbing & tragic, but I just think it was an unbelievably incredible scene and moment for Tony’s character
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I meant the moment Tony did what he did to Christopher was an unreal character peak for me. The “I get it” was also really great, but the moment Tony did Christopher like that was just amazing to me & can’t be topped. Putting my feelings about Christopher aside, his final scene was my favorite moment from Tony in the entire show
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I love how passionate you are about it (: as well written as this episode is, I think Final Grades from The Wire is still unbeaten when it comes to the best written episode I’ve ever seen. I know you’d love it if you haven’t seen it already
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aye relax on the chris hate man
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Finally, a fellow Christopher Moltisanti hater! I was also spoiled the fact that he died but not the how and let me tell you, I'm also very happy he's gone. Good riddance MFer!
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I hate Christopher a lot as much as he's a brilliantly written character but this is still such a completely devastating episode for how it reshifts your view of Tony's character imo. It completely tears away any humanity he may have possessed previously to reveal that he was a sociopath all along, putting into question his honesty in his therapy sessions, and has him essentially become just like his mother, the person that the audience hated so much at the start of the show.
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I can understand being glad at his death but the way it's executed is far too emotionally cold and unforgiving for it to be a satisfying or enjoyable episode imo. No other show has been able to go to the same places and do the same things that this one did.
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Any time I even remotely feel bad for Christopher which is almost never but when it does happen, I just remember every scene in which he violently beat Adriana
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Honestly it’s still the most satisfying tv character death I’ve ever seen. I’ve never despised a character more than Christopher & I’m never going to enjoy seeing a guy like that do the things that he did on screen no matter how good the writing is
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Fair enough I respect that, I don't "enjoy" seeing what he does but not all of my favourite pieces of art I like because of enjoyment, art can be used to provide other emotions as well.
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and also I agree on the not feeling bad Christopher thing but at the same time I can understand why someone would because there are so many flat out evil characters in television who are sympathisable despite doing objectively awful things
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Yeah & I understand that, but I don’t think I can recall any time in which I could feel actual sympathy for Christopher 😭 like I genuinely can’t think of any moment in the show in which I could’ve reasonably bad for him
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For me it's just his dynamic with Tony. He goes through his whole journey with recovering from drug addiction only to break his sobriety simply to make Tony happy, spending his entire life admiring Tony as a father figure expecting to eventually take up his status because he didn't realise he would never be seen as anything more than a kid, only for Tony to kill him the first moment the universe gave him a chance.
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Christopher is my pookie bear
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Christopher literally has a cousin named Greg
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Sopranos and Succession crossover??
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Not sure if anyone will still be able to see this, but I wanted to leave an update for everyone to see how bad the sopranos fanbase is: I’ve received multiple messages from sopranos fans both on & outside this app threatening to R me (can’t say the full word) because of this review. These types of things just add extra layers as to why I could never bring myself to enjoy this show & why I’ve come to associate the sopranos with overall negative energy.
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Thank you to those of you who don’t behave disrespectfully or outright inappropriately towards me because of the way I absorbed the show & its fanbase. This unfortunately has been an ongoing problem ever since I finished this show last year & im only now sharing an unspoken part about what made the sopranos a very difficult show for me to get through. It’s deeply disappointing to me there’s been multiple people literally threaten SA against me because of this review alone
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In case this clears up any concerns; I’m doing okay! I only just felt comfortable enough to mention this. Sopranos fanbase really is as bad as people say it is (for the most part, not everyone in it is toxic ofc & I appreciate those who aren’t)
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@taylorvillax that's so heartbreaking to hear, I can't believe anyone would do that or go out of their way to find you elsewhere just to say something like that. Nobody deserves that. I love this show but you having an opinion that differs on it shouldn't mean anything to anybody. I'm glad you're okay though ❤️
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Genuinely how is this still going on
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Sopranos fans literally losing their shit when someone doesnt think sopranos is the best thing in existence worst fanbase oat
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how tf people still pissed abt this
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worst fanbase ever fr
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Thankfully I haven’t received a message like it in a while now, but that’s only because the people who were sending them have recently stopped being active on Serializd. It’s a huge reason why I never mentioned what they were doing because: 1. They were all very well known accounts on here with toxic followers 2. I was concerned that if I talked about what they were doing, they would do worse or blow up my comment sections on here with trolls or do some other crazy stuff
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Now that they’ve been gone/banned for a while, I felt safe enough to talk about it. Only 1 of them is still pretty active (& that person is blocked so I’m not concerned they’ll see this)
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Wow that's horrific
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Serializd userbase in general is really lame sometimes I'm glad those kind of people are around less
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