the acting this season is so freaking amazing?? they’re really putting in their ALL and it’s definitely not going unnoticed by me.
the ending was so tuff (outsiders reference ofc) idc what anyone says; robby & sam deserved better but i’m happy with this as well, and i’m really excited to watch mor
god i’m gonna miss this show 😞 i was actually getting emotional during this entire episode idc, something about the s6 part 3 air is DIFFERENT; definitely the fact that the show’s wrapping up.
utterly speechless 😔 the old man not seeing that someone came and helped that person outside.. the entire theme of humanity and their morals.. god i love this show
first jj maybank, and now this.. 😕 to think that kwon could’ve had so much more going for him if he wasn’t led down such a dark path
the fight scene was like the school fight and the s5 finale fight combined, but ten times better. i CANNOT wait for part 3 oh my god
holy shit this show is so peak.. i wish i got into it when it first came out, but i wasn’t an x-men fan back then soo 😭 i’m so hyped for the next season though!! this was so tuff and such an amazing finale
as much as this show is corny and makes no sense, I loved this ending, it finished the way it started, with Johnny
I didn’t really get the ending ending though lol, was that the creators lol?
And how did NO ONE mention Silver and Kreese 😭