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Joined on February 3, 2022


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Marvel is just testing how boring/bad a show I will watch as long as you cast Emilia Clarke and Olivia Coleman. The answer is really bad apparently. Can't wait for Phase 10 when the MCU is just Emilia Clarke “Rockem' Sockem' Arm”-ing any threat in like 2 seconds because they gave one character a

The book was an interesting commentary on power dynamics but it for some reason, really does not translate in any kind of poignancy to the show. Just take the book cover to tv poster as a sign. What was a clean, creative picture of the human condition is now a pop centered amalgamation of stories th

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I don’t even know what to say about this. Somehow, one of the best shows became completely incoherent in its second half of life. The spark left this show after season 2 and they found moments of it in its final moments, but it seemed like whoever was running the show the last two seasons had no ide