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Joined on December 2, 2023


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I think I've hit a plateau with this series, unfortunately :/ Watched at 2x speed and still had to skip over most of the scenes. The acting is so goofy it's getting to a point where it's losing me. I can't believe I'm saying this but I wish the MCs' relationship were a bit less wholesome and more la

Well I was cringing so bad, I'm sorry but this one got me--I don't really get what Daon or Seonghyeon's characters are supposed to be. I liked Seonghyeon when he was sarcastic and petty in the first episode, now he's just a lovesick simp T-T And Daon doesn't have much to him either, I'm going to nee

They're all such good friends I can't T-T

I love some Fine Arts representation but the overacting was quite tough to sit through. And Satang's character being a simp in this one vs Sand in MSP gave me such whiplash lol

I shit you not, I didn't realize the series was over until I checked to see when the next episode was coming out. If they don't make a second season, then I don't see what the point of this one was. Too many loose ends, too many unexplained details, a confusing af editing and convoluted storyline. P

Them growing up together makes the upcoming romance a little bit iffy for me - and Tae Seong ignoring Haebom and not protecting him from the bullies at the start is so frustrating.

Unknown (2024)

S01 E11 Β· Embracing Regrets Magnifies Courage
God, this is so conflicting. They are cute together, and Yuan takes such good care of Qian, but I cannot overlook the fact that they are brothers. I just can't. Also: putting flashbacks of Yuan as a teenager next to the ones of them sleeping together is a wild choice, I have to say

Unknown (2024)

S01 E10 Β· Wounds of Love
I just- this is too weird I can't

Unknown (2024)

S01 E09 Β· The Day Before the End of the World
I'm.. confused I guess? About why the gang leader is protecting them. It doesn't really makes sense

Yep still lost. This series is so weird

I'm still lost lmao

I was so lost with the timeline of this episode - like we start with him getting his air con fixed but then he's homeless? Was that a flashback? What was it??

Maybe I'm dumb but I don't understand why Se Heon broke up with Tae Yi - bc he found out that his brother had played a part in Tae Joon's su*cide? But why though? Like they got back together a few hours later anyway, so what was that for?? They are cute together, but this was kind of weak. Idk

Are You Scared? (2020)

S03 E01 Β· Are You Scared of a Job Interview?
My socially anxious ass is scared of job interviews as is, no need for a psycho scientist to burn me alive

Are You Scared? (2020)

S05 E02 Β· Are You Scared of The Hat Man?
Well this was a weird one

Maybe they should have let the actors improvise a little, because this dialogue is absolutely killing the series for me - it doesn't flow naturally, and it comes off as quite awkward. The 'initiation' to the music club gave me such second-hand embarrassment, like imagine your highschool club made yo

Prepareu-vos per la review del segle, tinc coses a dir i les dirΓ© totes. 1. Personatges odiosos. AixΓ² ja era un "problema" amb MerlΓ­, perΓ² trobo que allΓ  es va gestionar millor. No pots fer que tots siguin uns cabrons i esperar que em caiguin bΓ©. Una cosa Γ©s ser persona, i cagar-la, i l'altra Γ©s ser

Primer de tot: no sé si la Mai s'ha matat però aquest cliffhanger a l'últim episodi és criminal. He de dir que no sé què es fumen els guionistes de TV3 per empescar-se aquestes trames, de veritat que ni idea perquè són de locos. Veia a venir que l'Èric petaria, però joder, no intentant putu assessin

Bright and Win are incredibly good-looking, don't get me wrong, but their acting skills leave much to be desired. They look stiff as a board. Idk how I feel about the only effeminate gay character in the series being portrayed as a crazy stalker with zero boundaries. It's weird. The plot isn't reall

This was just... boring I guess? The song was so mediocre, the lyrics -all of them- were terribly written and packed way too many words in every sentence to be understood properly, and the dancing was just meh (again, please refer to korean survival shows for better references). The dresses? Underwh

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Watched the first ten minutes, got bored out of my mind, decided to drop the show until all episodes are out :D

Ida is really getting on my nerves I'm sorry. It's ok to take your time with your feelings but don't go giving Aoki false hopes because you 'might' like him and you 'might' ask him out in the future.

Whenever Akk goes back to being a dumbass bitch I just want to smash my head against the nearest wall
