The momentum these last three episodes have had is insane. This is final season shit, and this show’s doing it in the middle of Season 3. Leon’s so cool.
The way this episode balances the extremely dark shit with absolutely hilarious scenes is incredible. That ending, boy oh boy, we’re in for it. Consider myself emotionally exhausted after that Succession and two episodes of Barry. Yellowstone!
We’re so fucking back. This season is gearing up to be incredible. The siblings dynamic is perfect, Tom & Greg calling each other the disgusting brothers. The In the Weeks Ahead promo looks nuts. God, I love this show. We gave it a go 😭😭😭😭
Last two minutes of this episode is nuts. Liz shoots a guy and it’s perceived as a hate crime, Alec Baldwin says “you shot a black” and 2-Pac is revealed to be alive. Thrilling.
Chills this entire episode. The prison break did not let down, absolutely thrilling and satisfying. Two monologues delivered by two extraordinary actors. Star Wars really hasn’t been on this level of prestige before. It’s insane how good this is.