Kerry needs to calm down - it’s a shopping list, it’s really not that deep. I don’t like the way Farida is being treated
On a lighter note, Jordan looked absolutely fabulous as a fire warden. He is my fave alongside Yinrun.
jordan’s voice gives me joe lycett vibes
yinrun crying while talking about her boyfriend 😢 bless her
i wish henry wasn't a tory bc he actually seems quite nice and funny but i just cant get past him being a boris fanboy 🤢
some of the housemates need a bit more screen time!! we haven’t seen eno
Literal insanity. Kinda love a Community episode not afraid to get freaky and deranged, which is like all of them. No but really Pierce needs to leave the group set us free of purgatory!
Wow I’m in disbelief with how amazing this episode was, for me personally this was not only the best in lost so far but also one of the best episodes of all time.
Mikey Day is so incredibly bad at hosting. I’ve never seen someone so fucking bad at their job. Netflix should have seen if Tony Napoli was available. If enough people watch this, it really has potential to be a career killer for him. Just how is he so unfunny? He sets every sentence up for a punchl