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Joined on September 5, 2023


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sometimes i’m so in awe of the cinematography that the plot is coming second. how on earth did they do the window shot? and the drone transition? how is everything so perfectly timed? how do people manage not to mess up their lines? this is truly masterclass stuff. also, why are these kids so insuff

did i really just watch an hour long episode with no cuts? NONE? with flawless acting? the emmys need to be handed out immediatelyyyyy

gemma and mark… what a doomed pair :( this was definitely a change of pace that i wasn’t necessarily expecting and it’s tough to accept when we have to wait another week for the next episode, but all in all, it was definitely needed. i’m still trying to work out what we’ve learned though. how many


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oh… well that’s some waffle party… also, “the remembered man does not decay” is pretty ironic. one’s first thought makes it seem like it’s about leaving a legacy but severed selves are constantly forgotten… and decay as a result of it. whew i can’t wait to watch the finale! and i’m glad i don’t ha

wow… helly’s outie is a bitch!

i don’t think they did a great job showing jackson neglecting annie more than they just had her reveal that through the dialogue the past few episodes, but her breaking up with him and then immediately running into tyler’s arms was THE MOST BUZZY THING THEY’VE EVER DONEEEEEE I JUMPEDDDDD. the vowel

Sweet Magnolias (2020)

S03 E06 · And a Star to Steer Her By
girllllllll… smh see where being hardheaded gets you? some people really just won’t listen to reason… and now you can’t even reach out to your friends because you decided to beef with them over a stupid man. speaking of stupid men… TYLER. you have some NERVE being frosty to annie rn. pine all you w

OKAYYYYYY finally some real acting! maaaan i could cut the tension with a butter knife in that last scene ugh i hate when people act like helen. it’s obvious she’s gonna be groveling for forgiveness when she finally accepts that she’s not happy with ryan and she ruined things with erik for nothing.

what a fun episode! i really like maddie and cal as a couple. they’re my favs rn… but i’m hoping they’ll finally be replaced by you know who this season… also, i just don’t like helen and ryan. i get no joy from seeing them happy together.

• this doesn’t feel like a finale at all but okay. • tyannie’s glances while dancing with other ppl oooouuuu. • i lowkey think maddie overreacted to the whole scout thing like being upset was fine, but why are you about to bite his head off? also girl don’t you dare take bill back. • has ty been ign

envy and jealousyyyyy

this is why you can’t ever send a teenage boy ANYTHING. oh annie i feel your pain. why are tyannie lowkey outacting the adults?

Sweet Magnolias (2020)

S01 E05 · Dance First, Think Later
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i think this is what they call a… how do you say… mindfuck?

Severance (2022)

S01 E01 · Good News About Hell
very good pilot. i’m really interested to see where this goes and how much can really be mined from this concept.

OH YAZZZZZZ. the whole ep i’m just thinking about rob’s unending suffering and then she drops that bomb at the end. it’s also quite poignant that henry saw a monster in the mirror while high on ayahuasca while rob simply saw himself.

harper is so crazy and vengeful i love her 😭 (4.2)

Industry (2020)

S03 E02 · Smoke and Mirrors
i don’t understand most of what’s being said but it’s still so intoxicating. i feel like no one in this show is kind, let alone nice… and it makes me wonder if i’m a big baby for thinking people should be 😭 because they’re so mean yet easily forgiving. everyone’s also so weird and perverted and dru

Industry (2020)

S03 E01 · Il Mattino ha L'Oro Bocca
you know it’s a great start to the season when all i can say is what the fuck?

minho is down baaaaad and so is kitty… just for someone else. lmao what a mess. also, irdgaf that florian cheated or about whatever dae has going on, but *sigh* what i DO really feel is yuri’s plight. gia isn’t super emotive in her face but she does yuri’s emotional moments with jina so well. “i h

the scene with minho telling madison she helped him figure out he wants more was so funny to me 😭 and honestly everything makes so much sense watching it a second time lol

this may be the best love square of all time.