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Joined on December 30, 2021


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Poor Glenn catching strays left and right

A. Awww Gabe crushing is cute , but I looove Lucas Neff so I’m sad about that B. ESPRESSO C. THE KISS D. This episode finally felt like everyone working on this show understood what it is .. like it finally got its legs

Thank you jisoo! I love you girl! This was cute and funny I had fun!

It just kept getting worse for Jonah HELP.

Worried por Marena. Keiry me encabronó cuando puso esa cara porque le estaban diciendo cosas buenas a Victoria like.. dpmo

Ok this episode was much funnier. I loved Lucky with the board and the calls

Harley Quinn (2019)

S05 E09 · Bottle Episode (But Not a 'Bottle Episode')
A. Bane and the shot HELP B. EL RATA ALADA REFRENCE C. Finally an explanation for wtf superman is up to help. D. The box.. I was thinking they were referencing kite man show for a second there E. Oh Harleen Quinzel the genius that you are

A. Em’s mom is the WORST. Loved the scene where her and Will saved the guy in front of the kid B. Hina .. can’t believe we’re here omg. And sibling zoned is CRAZY.

A. I’m so sad for Brett with his kids.. ugh B. Catherine digging in Tucker’s work things ouu that’s not it’s bad for her C. Doug that’s fucked up. If it’s true and even if it isn’t it is fucked up.. and them giving the role to a fine actor ..

MEU DEUS el susto que tenía por victoria y por keropi por la masa

Animal Control (2023)

S03 E09 · Retrievers and Fruit Bats
A. Shred and Emily crumbs are back yayyyy B. Ken Jeong?! C. I’m craving potato now

Me di cuenta que este grupo son todos los de la efectividad más bajita y el de mañana son las más altas

Estoy T R I S T E por noris pero I saw it coming so

30 Rock (2006)

S04 E21 · Emanuelle Goes to Dinosaur Land
Julianne Moore looks so gorgeous here and Wesley popping up again is so hilarious Jon Hamm is so beautiful.. the story about how he lost his hands omg

A. I love hina’s auntie so much B. Gagged at this side of will omg. C. Good for beautiful Kainalu. A woman that likes him back and entrepreneurship opportunities like. D. I was smiling big at Em and her mom getting along and I just knew something was coming. Sigh.

Woof. That was intense. Lamb and Diana’s convo was awesome. Praying for Sid to be okay PLEASE

So Cobel was the mastermind.. also I’m hoping V she’s gonna help Mark and not sabotage? Cause why would Devon- ugh Also her knowing Reghabi.. I’m scared. Of both.

Fun pilot but omg Principal Figgins and Nalini HELLOOO

A. PATTI LUPONE?! B. Tracy and his fake mom HELP.

Literal los 3 míos #safe Keiry quería que victoria fuera a vara sooo bad

I’ll preface this by saying I haven’t watched the og show DAYUM?! They started it off like that?! Also the shots from the roof >> and just the action overall awesome Felt very compelled by his relationships with his friends and new love interest 👀

Good for Jenna

A. Jaeyoon and Youngjoo’d call help and then phone dying it’s reallyyy bad B. I knew Alex.. sigh C. The college guy’s goodbye nooo