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Joined on November 22, 2023


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most of the ppl in this season were annoying and the winner was so ass😭i only liked cam, emily, and carly

makes me so mad how none of them care about the money. like bro. i hate melinda and marvin. and nathan is pissing me off too. so is carly why is she mad at chase when she broke up with him😭

bruh why did they all win😭 i mean i get it but that kinda ruins the whole point of the show being a competition LMAO rhonda and sharron are so cute i hope they still are friends even if they break up

Too Hot to Handle (2020)

S01 E04 · Two's Company, Three's a ... Threesome
this new guy is weird idk..he’s cute with chloe tho david and sharron are so interesting and zesty😭 david is actually so sweet tho i love him. i actually hate harry tho idk why francesca is giving him another chance like plssss. kelz is better and hotter. the cast is also so funny 😭

Too Hot to Handle (2020)

S01 E03 · Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Hot
francesca bettttterrrr not forgive harry ugh. she and haley are rlly bad at lying 😭 this new guy is weird

Too Hot to Handle (2020)

S04 E08 · It's Raining Love Triangles
why does every season have some guy who meditates😭 i hate creed sooo much he’s such an asshole. i hope imogen and flavia leave him bruh. im also mad at jawahir like whyyyy is she switching between nick and shawn this late like 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

what is with this show and yoni’s 😭😭 kinda sad that they had to even teach the guys that a person exists behind the yoni. i call tell james is a good guy he was just being annoying. im glad him and brittan are back together. i also love jawahir and nick but they need to calm down ngl😭

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Too Hot to Handle (2020)

S06 E07 · A 99.7% Chance of Trouble
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watching first ep even tho s6 comes out tmr 😭 the special effects in the interviews were so cringe pls. kayla is also alr annoying me. ik it’s not her fault 4 guys are after her but ugh i hate when that happens

hannah and isaac need to gtfo 😭 at first i felt bad for hannah cus louis chose christine over her but now she’s shown her true colors along with isaac AGAIN. she and isaac will probably go home next ep. at least i hope. courtney tried to warn yazminnnn. elys and alex are interesting…12 minute kiss

omggg this made me so mad. why did lana wait sooo long to tell everyone rules were broken? ughhhh i was sooo annoyed all the couples lost the date. ALSO DAMN christine is so pretty and soo smart but she’s such a home wrecker💀 louis also needs to make up his mind and stop leading both hannah and ch

this show is so serious it’s so funny😭why was nathan reenacting sex with those puppets LMFAOOO. i know nathan and holly will not last irl. beaux and harry might tho!! they’re super cute harry is my favorite guy and beaux is tbh my favorite girl she’s so chill. also wtf happened to obi and brianna

i can’t believe they lost all the money…they’re so dumb bro it was sooooo obviously a test. and plus there is cameras in every room helloooo that’s gross. im happy nathan is going home he’s soo annoying. he better actually go home tho… I’m really convinced the producers tell everyone to cry bcs why

all these new ppl suck and are ugly. but im glad izzy and georgia have other ppl now i was feeling bad for them. olga is soo dumb tho 🤦‍♀️ but at least she won’t go crawling back to stevan and at least stevan is trying to work on himself. it’s kinda sweet actually. and brianna is a homewrecker fr

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i liked the characters a lot! liza, pedro jonathan, and steel. some of the scenes were rlly funny but others were just so disturbing…ig it was supposed to be “dark humor” but it was just too much. also the ending was ass this prob won’t even have another season💀

the plot was actually so interesting but it just felt kinda redundant and it got boring towards the end. it’s also forgettable idek if i finished it animation was cool tho

the intro is so good it was interesting at first but season 2 was so boring omfg and honestly this shows gross

sooo boring. made me wanna play volleyball sometimes tho. all the characters were annoying except for daichi the season 4 art style was awful i didn’t even try to watch it 💀