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Joined on August 16, 2024


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these series really have to stop with the "manipulative woman who lies about being sexually assaulted" narrative, it's just so incredibly misogynistic. also, i get that psychology is a big part of this series, which means mental disorders are too. but if you don't know anything about a certain diso

Glee (2009)

S05 E05 · The End of Twerk
the finn tattoo is cute but why did she lie to kurt about it, she's got absolutely no reason to lol all those jokes they've been doing all these seasons about schuester being a pedophile and somehow they thought this storyline was a good idea

of course rachel's insufferable ass was gonna make a fuss for losing to her best friend at a sing-off she mildly provoked lol why is tina getting mad at a gay man for not reciprocating her feelings what the hell what the HELL is finn doing who approved that. emma's actress performance was marvelou

dropped this after that one romanticed rape scene on season 2. only reason i liked this was because yusuke looked so pretty