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Joined on April 28, 2024


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It was perfect, so why end it like that? couldn't they wait till next episode? they hate to see me happpy

Supernatural (2005)

S13 E05 · Advanced Thanatology
THAT'S MY BABY and this time they didn't even showed sam's reaction it's funny, also I'm sooo happy

I really really love them, it so funny they just needed to focus again on the 'we're dysfunctional sibblings' side of the show for me to be excited again, I just need Cass back and it's perfect

I already love them

He's so much like Cass and the fact he calls him father? bring him back inmediately

Supernatural (2005)

S12 E23 · All Along the Watchtower
Poor Dean, but the fact that they focused more on his reaction? I'm so back. I'm also just so glad this season is over.

I love them all

My god, this was juicy. You're telling me Diana is a sapphic? This just gets betterrr. Also I know Mozzie is alright cause he better be :D

Man, the twist with the twins jsjs I did not see that coming but I'm glad they're falling appart

Ok, now I'm buying it, he's a fucking psycho. On the other hand, Malakai... My god, poor boy, he really is just a sweet guy who was thrown into this land of crazy teenagers without a warning, so he can be as dramatic as he needs. And I like Amerei, no matter how chaotic. Wait, I just remembered the

I thought for a moment they could be a trio but well... I also suspected the thing with Rowan, I just don't understand how it is going to turn out and I'm still not buying it

"even cvnts can change" I'll write that one down, thanks

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Man, what the hell?!

I should've watched this on my own

What the hell? I'm sad

My god, I had almost forgotten how chaotic bela is

Finally I got max back and I missed them sooo much

Awww they're finally admitting their feelings, love it


Man, I was buying their bromance, what is happening?

Okay, perhaps matt has bought me on this me. Overall, I enjoyed this episode and laughed.