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Joined on April 28, 2024


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No sé yo, casi me atrapa pero, ¿ese el final? Me dieron unas ganas de sacudir de los hombros a los dos manes pa que mostraran algo con el rostro; lo más mínimo, no pedía mucho, pero ALGO. Éster super, es un encanto, no tengo ninguna queja.

This was supposed to be fun, it wasn't (except the first scene of them trying to get in, I admit). Also, the girl randomly kissing them? Lazy distraction

requisitos para ser el candidato perfecto a ser sacrificado: homosexuales, negros y dean.

la cantidad de escenas innecesarias de mujeres hegemónicas en ropa interior que van acumulando plss como si el filtro no fuese suficiente recordatorio de lo vieja que es esta serie ya

I just started this because of Fransesca and Michaela, to be honest. Also, a close friend really likes it and he's already reading a ton of books just cause I promised him he'll enjoy them so it is the least I could do. I liked Daphne and Eloise is cute. I'm also interested in Benedict and Colin tho

Felt kind of underwhelming for me at certain times and I'm kind of tired of the Duke's lack of facial expressions. I'm fond of Daphne, though