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Joined on May 26, 2023


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This is a pretty mid episode because it's hard to help someone who doesn't want to be helped. I feel like the week passed by with John still being lots reserved. I basically enjoyed it for Jade, and she was the nominator.

Are we like gonna go in circles until the penultimate then just make them back together like expected at Episode 10? This isn't too bad to drop but it's definitely not that good to be commended. I'll just use it then if I want something to watch that I don't want to think about. P.S. At this poin

I feel like the script is treating me like I'm supposed to already know the totality of the film and is not bothering to fill in the details. I don't need it to jump from plot point to plot point. Where's the build????

We seem to be going to a preconceived direction that wasn't established on-screen because WHERE ARE WE GOING WITH THIS?

Ahsoka (2023)

S01 E01 · Part One: Master and Apprentice
Build-up wise this is decent. Idk if I'm supposed to know stuff going in but I had too much questions on what I got myself into, I feel like there's homework involved on this that I didn't do.

RuPaul's Drag Race Global All Stars (2024)

S01 E03 · International Queen Of Mystery Ball
Pretty weak and bland lineup if you ask me

This was definitely thin ice. Overall, it was a good romance, but it took a whole lot of while to get there. The first half of it was really stretched out which eventually led to nowhere. It started picking up the pace by the halfway point to the penultimate, because the chemistry of the leads carr

And now you rush the ending? After stretching the first half I almost dropped it?

Yes, Jaeyoon. You are dating the President's son, don't get your panties in a twist.

Quite a slow start. But it's just 8 20 minute episodes so yeah let's give it a chance. Hoping it picks up further into the series.

That challenge was SOOOO mid. It was boring and unfunny. I hoped a bit of redemption with the runway but this was the weakest one as well.

Morphine definitely won that lipsync but if Miyah didn't play it dirty she might have a bit more chance. Anyways, the slides and clips bit will go down and will be reused somewhere I just know it.

Of course Q will be safe she didn't even have choreography! 😂😂😂

Pete really got the shortest straw in this cast huh?

This one's a bit loose. Rewatching it now, there's a bit unaddressed here until the series finished.

If I had a nickel everytime Porsche is being sexually assaulted, I'd have two nickels, no three, no four, or maybe five????

It's not a Thai BL without that filler episode of the main actors being in an outing or stuck in a place and they trauma bond. Where the serious guy finally smiles and the quirky guy finally becomes serious.

Actually glad they're cutting the script short compared to the KDrama because this is already dragging on too long

Pace is weird for me so far. I hope it picks its rhythm soon. It's at one point fast-paced, then the next, slow-paced.

Why are they both thinking stupid right now????

Looking back at this today, I never realized how corny the execution was. I was too smitten with Vlad to not notice that before.

So power is not always in numbers because the smallest group was the only one to succeed in this challenge.

What If...? (2021)

S02 E09 · What If... Strange Supreme Intervened?
Visually cool but felt too fanservice-y.

"It's not my fault, I was born this way." "Don't you dare bring Lady Gaga into this" I need Janine's character to have a big step for character development though because it's not Episode 9 and she is still the same kind of annoying that she was written in since Episode 1. I can't help comparing it