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Joined on August 27, 2024


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started cause my no1 type is trashy intelligent might end up staying cause i need to see kaitlin olson and judy reyes lez out. more than i’ve ever needed anything. sadly they’re gonna get her with the guy who half hates her instead of with the woman who’s humping her leg. cruel cruel world

i don’t give enough of a shit about this year to care

guys……. i cheered. i shouted. i fist pumped the air. i cried. i stood and cheered. it took them ten weeks but hello yaoi dancing. felt so stressed today and it fixed it all. then jamie left. back to bad. fuck life

not even gonna spend any energy complaining anymore. straight dance to the fucking pet shop boys sure whatever who Cares anymore

song about brothers. straight couple dance. ridiculous atp. was nice to see karen though hiiii karen <33 and vito and kai lift in the remembrance dance nice even if platonic i’m actually at the point where i don’t even need Gay dances i just need not romantic man/woman dances. becoming more heteroph

ok big improvement on the gay front but still seriously what is their issue with having people of the same gender dancing together this series it’s turning me into a militant homo i’m gonna become greta thunberg but for gay rep on strictly ph yeah also who chose that fucking fake kpop group to perfo

gay crrrrumbs in the pro dance with the competition concept but why are they allergic to giving me gays in the background i generally don’t like quotas but i fucking need one i feel like they’ve forgotten that gay people exist

stig’s it/its pronouns are hanging on for dear life either congrats on finding yourself stiggy or fuck you jeremy for killing its vibe

yet again an all straight pro dance they needed a gaylor in the choreo room

watched most of this on 2x speed because 45 minutes?? for fuck all??? the opening unfortunately ruled though i hate how much i like this shit

my six watches of you have been fun but man i’ve grown too gay and too grumpy and it’s just. sorry jane the virgin i will not be watching you again. you served me well but we just have different values now…. rogelio de la vega i will miss you so fucking much though. and marlene… hi marlene. call me

only one marlene scene…. severe drought

hetero freaks