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Joined on August 31, 2023


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I think the pressure to place a second season-break cliffhanger really disrupted the flow of the story and made a lot of the last third feel awkward, but it did bring itself back around to a satisfying end. I'm surprised they didn't tease the upcoming movie, but I also think it's awesome that they d

Going immediately into goofy VR training is wildddd, but everything with Chozen was so fun

Superman & Lois (2021)

S04 E09 · To Live and Die Again
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Happy to see the blacksmith scene finally be adapted! This still makes a lot of bold choices that don't always land, but the last third of this episode is really fantastic.

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This show took a good while to gain steam, and I wish this could have been a longer season, because those last two episodes were pretty fantastic. I have a feeling season 2 will be a lot better. I went into this show with pretty low expectations and am coming out of the season wanting more, so that'

Forgot to log this last night! I had a fun time with it. The ending was very silly and very easy to anticipate, but as far as Christmas specials go, it's fine!

Nice to see some full fledged other memory possession here

Babylon 5 (1994)

S04 E12 · Conflicts of Interest
Garibaldi be getting into situations

Wild that this already the halfway point of the season. I appreciated parts of the additional backstory, but also feel like it gives the show less time to resolve its central mysteries. We'll see how it goes though! I especially loved the stuff surrounding Tula, she's a really interesting characte

Babylon 5 (1994)

S04 E08 · The Illusion of Truth
Have a feeling we're going to have to get ready for the news reporting to be even more like this than it already is in the coming months.

Very low key very transitional

Agatha All Along (2024)

S01 E02 · Circle Sewn with Fate / Unlock Thy Hidden Gate
The witches' road song was a bangerrrrrr

I enjoyed that it played with TV genre again. Sad that I've been spoiled about who Rio is, but that's my fault for being late to the party. Love Season of the Witch by Donovan

The spice agony scene was incredible. Everything else is still a little whatever, but I'm still invested enough for now.

I feel like resolving the stuff with Miguel's mom in a single episode feels a little messy and rushed, but other than that, still fun drama with twists and turns :)

Letterkenny (2016)

S01 E06 · A Fuss in the Back Bush
Tanis has bars! What a verbal evisceration

I feel like the Arkham scenes are the first part of the show that didn't feel grounded. But everything before and after them was fantastic.

Galadriel literally slayed Tom Bombadil definitely Bombadilled

It's cooking. That scene with Sauron and Celebrimbor and the fire???? Stunning.

Guiding my brother (qlover here on serializd) through 7th Doctor stuff now, starting with Ace's introduction here. This one feels mostly silly, but the sets are cool, the robo-dragon looks cool, the spaceship models look GREAT and Keff McCulloch's score for it is one of the better Classic Who scor

Babylon 5 (1994)

S02 E19 · Divided Loyalties
Not the cleanest actor exit, and we get deprived of the Susan/Talia relationship getting to really grow, but I do think Lyta is a cooler character so it's all fine in the end.

Babylon 5 (1994)

S02 E18 · Confessions and Lamentations
Probably one of the bleakest episodes in the show, but it is good

Babylon 5 (1994)

S02 E14 · There All the Honor Lies
"We're not some DEEP SPACE FRANCHISE, this station is about something!" There's like, four plotlines in this one? Could we call the Kosh lesson a D plot? How do they do it? Cool