tao’s video, kit connor dressed as captain america, isaac being me after finishing tsoa, black friday playing, the narrations? PERFECTION HAS BEEN REACHED
literally no matter how many times ill watch the end, i will never NOT almost drown in my tears.
Will finally accepting Hannibal, them holding eachother.. I WANT TO KILL MYSELF.
okay yes jj's death was abrupt and so uncalled for, especially since he is one of the protaginists and VERY beloved my the audience . its just so weird that out of everyone they just had to kill the guy who had gone through the most, and by his own father too who he'd just met recently it's all so a
always a bit nervous for adaptations of things i love but this is so good so far omg zain and emma are the perfect pip and ravi my beloveds 💞 also love getting to see sal and andie