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Joined on January 28, 2023


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That final shot will be in my dreams tonight. Dan Erickson and Ben Stiller sleep with one eye open


Yet again, Atom Eve has the coolest powers in this show. Really glad they didn’t kill her because it was really looking that way for a second. Utterly insane finale, but will there really be Satan stuff next season? Yawn

Episodes like this are exactly why we had to come up with the phrase ‘prestige TV’. The fact that this is also the directorial debut from the shows cinematographer, Jessica Lee Gagné (gotta show respect) is also insane. I hope I start seeing her name more frequently

2nd best episode of the show, just slightly behind the S1 finale. Impeccable writing

Twin Peaks (1990)

S02 E22 · Beyond Life and Death
Holy fuck that final scene. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. What t

“It is happening again.” Holy dickenballs this is no doubt best episode of the show so far

I get it.

Severance (2022)

S01 E05 · The Grim Barbarity of Optics and Design
I’ve been thoroughly enjoying the mystery of this show but this episode is what made me realize I’m potentially watching an all-timer TV series right here. Goats? A hidden team indeed OD? Rewriting history by altering paintings? I feel so uneasy but in a ‘my brain is trying to solve a mystery’ type

Watched twice. Had no idea what to expect for Charlie’s plot, but Barbara teaching him how to read is probably the most on the nose decision for this crossover episode they could have made. Can’t wait for Paddy’s POV

The Boys (2019)

S04 E08 · Season Four Finale
Batshit. Watched this weeks ago obv but forgot to log because I was so stunned by that final sequence. Last season is gonna be nutty

That conversation at the end with Tina and Mikey is one of my favorite back and forths of the whole show. Liza’s performance was stellar. As well as the directing of Ayo. Bravo, bravo

Saved the best episode of the season for last, holy shit this was all killer no filler. So many bombshells (haha get it??)

It’s possible to be nitpicky about MINOR pacing issues throughout this season; the first three episodes, the transition period from 6A-6B, and the final five episodes are all so fucking incredible that I can’t not give this 5 stars. The final five episodes especially may be my favorite run of episod

That ending is the very definition of high risk high reward. David Chase has the biggest set of balls on the planet but goddamn is he a genius Gonna be thinking about this finale for a bit, possibly the best ever

AJ screaming in the pool and Tony comforting him moments later is by far the hardest I’ve cried at any scene in this show. Just absolutely brutal, I’m hoping AJ gets a nice ending

Now THAT, is television my friends. Top 5 of the series without a doubt, just what the fuck

I felt that sucker punch myself

All due respect, lick my Johnny NutSack, Sacks. Why wasnt I hired as a writer for this show? Probably because I was 5 when this aired, but still

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HORSEFACE!!! I absolutely adore the dream sequence episodes, this one may be my favorite so far. Chefs kiss

The Sopranos (1999)

S05 E05 · Irregular Around the Margins
I knew with the amount of Adriana scenes in the first 10 minutes that she’d be heavily involved, and even though I was right, I was wrong as well. This felt like a massive turning point in so many other characters arcs; Tony, Chrissy, and Carmela specifically. The inter-connected dynamics between ea

Edie Falco deserves every ounce of praise she’s gotten and more for her performance, this episode specifically. Simply incredible

Knew it was coming, loved how it happened. Begin the episode by humanizing one of the scummiest characters just to immediately remind you what kind of show this is.

The Sopranos (1999)

S03 E04 · Employee of the Month
Mannnnnn that was tough. I’m wishing the best for Melfi