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Joined on April 15, 2022


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Congrats to Contest Winner Neil Campbell on making me laugh

I remember watching this in middle school & quoting it with my social studies teacher. He would include quotes in lectures just cause I understood them.

Going through Gemstones Withdrawal.

Smiling Friends (2020)

S01 E09 · The Smiling Friends Go to Brazil!
My favorite part was when they dug a hole in the sand and buried Pim up to his neck! Also, The Boss’s big vacation romance? A LOT more explicit than I expected.

“Woah, he’s trying to score at breakfast.” Releasing this today of all days? It’s like they know it’s my birthday. The two segments were good, really into the dumpster fire guy. I think the couch bits should mainly stick to music videos cause the country music riffing was the funniest part. Making

Every single Billy Joel reference makes my heart sing.

I wasn’t acquainted with kids in the hall before watching but now I am a fan. This was a delight to watch and I’ve gone on multiple KITH YouTube binges since starting this. The difference between new season and the original run is that they hang dong in the new one. (Canadian) God Bless these fellas