Season 1 was pretty bad in my opinion but season 2 was decent, the show is a anthology so if you’re going to watch you should probably just watch season 2.
Just rewatched, if you are looking for a show that is really disturbing you should check out this. Each episode follows a different storyline, my favorite episodes would have to be 4 and 12.
I am shocked by this series and even more shocked by the fact that it is based on real events. The whole episode I was sure that they should be acquitted, but apparently the jury was bribed or they only listened to the prosecutor, a pig who knows that they are not guilty, but still screams t
The plot was decent (s1 was really good, s2 was ok, and s3 was pretty bad) but the protagonist felt very weak to me along with most of the side characters. What made the show so enjoyable was the antag/deutag, Brady, he is the stand out of the show.
Stephen King is always convincing and together with Brendan Gleeson a really gripping and exciting series is created. Which unfortunately are dragged into the dirt by the two following seasons.
Most Underrated Piece On Fiction, Deserves So Much More Recognition, One Of The Best Monologues In Tv Along With Dexter, Complex Asf, Best Animated Season Ive Ever seen