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Joined on November 2, 2022


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HAHAHAHAHA Imagine if they did this today! Will Ferrel absolute legend for doing this role! The way he said “Mammy” will be ingrained in my brain forever!

One of the best goddamn seasons of television I’ve ever seen. Perfect in every way to me. Exactly my kinda humor. Hilarious shit. Kenny Powers all the way.

this shit is fucking epic.

Seen this pilot twice in one week because it's so fucking good

DAS ist die Peak Discounter Folge- hab selten wieder so hart gelacht! Der Hartz4 Joke hat mich fast umgebracht, va wie Thorsten da hinter der Hecke hockt. Unglaublich. Was für ein Feuerwerk an Emotionen!

One of my favorite episodes. A pure nightmare that is underscored with a classical score. I’m a sucker for this. And the director only made second unit and one short before? wow.

This is the peak of creativity. A milestone in comedy TV. Comedy in general. Nathan Fielder saved us all.

Up there with the GOATs. Not gonna lie, I felt a bit stupid watching this at times. But even so, trust me, it’s the most riveting shit you’ll ever see. And the acting here is simply unreal. It goes places you never expected performance in film could go. It’s shot on 35mm - it looks gorgeous. Nich

What can I say that hasn’t been said. It’s shocking, it’s profound, it’s real, it’s funny- S4 brings everything together in a way that feels unexpected but earned. Logan being absent for basically the whole season is a power move that was a gamble but certainly paid off. It came out of nowhere but

To simply call this a great episode wouldn’t make it justice. This is the pinnacle of dramatic-epic storytelling. A total punch in the gut. I mean- Kendall just going apeshit on Rome, Shiv not being able to handle Kendall taking the throne. So much of this is just absolutely uncomfortable to watch.

Romes breakdown…unbelievable

Succession (2018)

S03 E09 · All the Bells Say
It’s literally insane how good everyone and I mean EVERYONE here is. Literally perfection.

Succession (2018)

S03 E07 · Too Much Birthday
Roman going full on bully mode, just absolutely relishing in his short-sighted power. Maybe he has what it takes, for someone who wasn’t taken seriously he is now bathing in success to please his father. Absolutely scary.

Shit is hitting the fan so hard, wtf is happening guys wtfff

Finale Season gets an instant 5 stars. Has a very different vibe than the last 3.

Throughout this I never quite got who Bill is, what his deal is, what he’s about. But honestly- by the end, I knew. And it was sad to see this old, lonely man wanting to hold on to something that is gradually slipping away. You can’t fix the past, you can’t always make things right. Thank you Nathan

Succession (2018)

S02 E10 · This Is Not for Tears
I need to throw up I think- so freaking good. Finally Kendall wakes up, finally Tom telling Shiv how it is - also probably the funniest episode. Logan smirking at the end- chaos is coming. Incredible incredible incredible. Also this is one sexy ass looking episode!!

Succession (2018)

S01 E10 · Nobody Is Ever Missing
Was honestly speechless after that. Jesus fuck.

One of the greatest seasons of comedy- one banger after another, not a single weak link

This is absolutely one of the most clinically insane episodes of television ever - how was this made???

Nathan for You (2013)

S03 E06 · Hotel / Travel Agent
The one where I couldn’t wrap my head around how they’re not all in jail. The animation where the grandma flies into the grave made me choke.

Nathan for You (2013)

S02 E02 · Souvenir Shop / E.L.A.I.F.F.
One of the greatest things ever created

So here we are. The end of an era. I did it. I decided to give this one another go after growing up with the dubbed german version my entire life. And now after rewatching it, it still remains the pinnacle of TV comedy. Not only is this show- especially in the first 4 seasons- filled to the brim wit

This is it. The greatest piece on feminism we have. Thank you boys!