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Joined on November 2, 2022


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Beast Games (2024)

S01 E09 · Bribe Your Way to the Finale
also incredibly tedious. Wtf is going on with Twana. That girl crazy.

Beast Games (2024)

S01 E07 · The Elimination Train
predictable and boring. Akira taking 3 black women down is a choice. Train goes choooo choooo

Fuck your Jesus God bullshit. Fuck Jeremy.

Uiuiui was ist denn hier passiert? Flach, unlustig und krampfhaft moralisierend.

I don‘t know and don’t care wtf is going on - this feels so much like pure nonsensical boring fanfiction. 2 stars for some good production design and some really solid orc makeup. But honestly I‘m being too nice. This is really a chore.

It‘s a bad season. So reductive and reactionary, sloppy and tedious. The writing is all over the place and injects so many plot points that go absolutely nowhere. I really had a hard time finishing this even though there’s some genuinely entertaining moments. But all of it feels so deflated and inau

Some good parts sprinkled throughout but also so incredibly full of itself. There’s just no sense of actual gravity in all of this. Still the best shot episode of this season thus far.

Really really fucking dumb. Using a school shooting fake out for your dorky storyline is so immature. Also Clay is so annoying.

Another incredibly stale episode with some really boring directing and super lazy writing. They’re dragging this out so much and the only thing that feels somewhat real is Justin.

Jesus here we go again. Dumb as shit, poorly shot, cringe inducing writing and just generally extremely boring. I’m just finishing this because I’m a completionist.