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Joined on October 9, 2023


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Lucifer (2016)

S05 E14 · Nothing Lasts Forever
Lucifer and his dad oh my god i want to cry so bad 💔

Lucifer (2016)

S05 E11 · Resting Devil Face
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All this protection for nothing, episode kinda sucked. But just for the plot twist at the end and Azize maybe finally knowing the truth, I give this 3 stars.

Lucifer (2016)

S03 E21 · Anything Pierce Can Do I Can Do Better
I was really enjoying that parallel between the case and Lucifer and Chloe's relationship, but the end just ruined everything. Screw Chloe and Lucifer I want to see Lucifer and Linda's friendship more often.

Lucifer (2016)

S03 E18 · The Last Heartbreak
idk i thought everyone was annoying in this episode except Lucifer and Dan

looking like an elephant's knee is actually such a creative insult

Yikes Ramses is about to have his balls chopped. And hooray to Garett and Taylor 🥹 Taylor's whole family is adorable, her dad was so sweet.

Hannah's parents telling her she is the problem was the highlight of this episode ngl. Also I need Garett and Taylor to make it please, the trailer for what's to come scared me a little bit.

Lucifer (2016)

S02 E15 · Deceptive Little Parasite
Can Luci's mom just go already

Lucifer (2016)

S02 E13 · A Good Day to Die
he goes to hell for her and yet he still ditches her

Love Is Blind (2020)

S07 E04 · The Tables Have Turned
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Took me ages to finish this season because mixing polin, francesca's love life, and benedict's orgies was a bit overwhelming, but overall, I guess not that bad. If Benedict's season is as boring as he was in season 3, it's going to take a whole year to watch it.

C'était pas mauvais, pas incroyable non plus. La sur-utilisation des retournements de situation me fait limite rire mais bon au moins ça transmet des émotions.

Alors autant l'intrigue a l'air vraiment bien, autant le jeu d'acteur de certains est assez moyen. Mais je reste tout de même intriguée par le passé de Fanny et Laura (je passe outre le pacte de sang un peu bizarre)

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welcome to another episode of Henry making me feel extremely uneasy

Nautilus (2024)

S01 E09 · Ride of the Valkyrie
cgi could've been better but this was a nice episode

Nautilus (2024)

S01 E08 · The Tipping Point
hey what about my boy Jiacomo, dude just got abandoned for trying to believe in someone and never got his moment of glory. Justice for Jiacomo :(

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I actually don't really know what to think, I'm disappointed but I don't hate it either. That whole Lila and Five was so unnecessary, there was already too much drama, I don't think we needed that. As for the ending, even though it's frustrating, maybe it had to happen for the show to have a prope

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Parker made absolutely zero effort