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Joined on September 15, 2024


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some very fun acting from david tennant here

SUCH A GOOD ONE!!! the doctor finally opening up about gallifrey, and letting someone in. ALSO ELDERLY MARRIED LESBIANS!!! at this point when gay marriage wasn’t even fully legal in the US, thats so awesome

Doctor Who (2005)

S02 E08 · The Impossible Planet (1)
i looove this arc zack is so cool

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THE KING IN YELLOW…. my all time favorite eldritch beyond comprehension story. curious to see how the rest of the season plays out


to me the whole previous slitheen arc is just swtting up this episode. it doesn’t have as much action, but the character moments speak for themselves. i love the trio with captain jack, blon fel-fotch is FANTASTIC here, and lord mickey are you in a world of hurt

robin and artemis are such a good combo, not just in their shared lack of power but due to the dichotomy of skill between them. robin has been doing this since he was /nine/ and artemis has only just started. awesome to see her get the badass good guy moment

the rose era does such a fantastic job of connecting you to minor side characters through rose’s empathy towards them; i used to not like her and think of her as too whiny and selfish but she is really so kind and only nineteen