I'm conflicted with this episode. On one hand, it delivers some brilliant character moments, but on the other, the limited set and lack of Quill make it a bit lacklustre unfortunately.
Despite its stunning visuals, this episode irritates me a lot. I hate how it cheapens Clara's death by bringing her back, only for her to leave anyway. She may as well have just stayed dead.
Not much to say about this one, it's very much an "it exists" sort of episode. More Danny is always welcome, but we devolve into the rocky relationship between the Doctor and Clara again.
It's interesting to see River Song right at the start of being River and to have her as somewhat of a secondary villain in a way. The Teselecta is also quite a unique concept as well.
This episode is really slow, I think the series could have flowed better without it. Torchwood being in one place didn't help matters. Lots of progress though surprisingly.
Mel's exit comes out of nowhere but Ace is a welcome addition as the classic era's final companion. There's also a very gruesome end for Kane, one of the most terrifying scenes ever.
The Doctor and Glitz, and Mel and Ace, have some nice double acts. We learn a lot more about the dragon, and Ace calling Mel "doughnut" is adorable. Love the pacing of the 3 part format.
A decent quest and it's great to have Glitz back one last time. However the plot itself is a bit boring to me and the cliffhanger makes no sense. Ace does make the story worth watching.
While I don't care much for the stuff going on with Kara, I think Orcini is a fun character. Tasambeker irritates me slightly, but her storyline is a tragic one indeed.
I'm not quite sure how I feel about this story. Parts of it I enjoy, other parts not so much. I like the involvement of Davros and the Daleks, not too fond of Kara's plot.
This story earns its title as being the most brutal, it's filled with lots of death (some of it for the brutality rather than necessity). Not too fond of the plot itself.
I like Omega taking the Doctor's form and the chase sequence is entertaining, possibly the best part of this story. As I said, Tegan's return could have been saved for a later story.
This story definitely does a good job at showing the treachery of the Time Lords. Omega is again portrayed as a powerful being, though it is lessened by his need for slaves.
Oh no, the beginning of Tegan's obsession with that costume... Anyway, as disappointing as the sets are, it's still good to see Gallifrey. Tegan's return could have been later.
There's some beautiful location work but I think the Gallifrey sets have declined in quality in its last few appearances. The story itself isn't the best either. Just serviceable.
This part is really slow, the Doctor's still no closer to figuring out that the Cybermen are behind everything, and I find the freighter crew to be quite dull and rather boring.
As sad as it is to see the Doctor and Adric arguing, their squabble is the most interesting aspect of this part until the cliffhanger, which thankfully isn't spoiled in the title.
Once again, the companions are more or less pointless here. Hindle's descent into insanity is just sad at this point and the final confrontation with the Mara is a little bit too quick.
The Mara's presence is heavily felt but the companions get absolutely shafted in this part, which is a particular issue for me as I'm not as fond of Todd as I know most people are.