I will never understand why people are completely upset and extremely disappointed when they find out the gender of the baby. Please pull yourself together.
Wie zu erwarten - mit sehr viel Fremdscham behaftet. Das betrifft allerdings nicht nur die neue Freundin Cordula, sondern auch die nervige Überheblichkeit des überaus intoleranten Freundeskreises.
i've found that the episodes that focus on kourtney are a bit more boring than the others. kourt doesn't have the main character energy at this point in the show.
slightly underrated one , buffy spike and giles scenes were great and that evil trio were likeable by the end
also buffy is so fit in this season… must be the sad face or something
Es gibt ein paar lustige Szenen. Insgesamt fühle ich mich aber ein bisschen betrogen, weil falsche Fährten gelegt werden, die später nicht mehr beachtet werden.
buffy should be getting paid tbh
can her friends not lend her some money??? surely they could do something to help her ffs
giles calling willow out was so iconic. i fucking love him sm
and the way he took the time to ask buffy how she was doing :,) he is truly the father she deserves!!
willow t
Anya hat mal wieder recht (was Xander betrifft, aber auch in Bezug auf das Ausstellen von Rechnungen, Angel nimmt schließlich auch Honorar).
Immer wieder großartig, dass direkt nach Glory die Triade als Gegner auftaucht. 😀
I really like the dynamics between the characters here, they really all add their own things to the story and it makes situations like the one in the bar very intense and purposeful.