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Joined on September 23, 2023


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Whilst episodes 2 and 3 aren’t that great, I found the first and last episodes of this serial very enjoyable. The Toymaker is a great villain - I’m glad he’s making a comeback.

Doctor Who (1963)

S03 E30 · The Celestial Toyroom
A good start to what seems like an interesting serial. Even though the sets are small and a bit simple, I like the atmosphere they create. The Toymaker is a good villain.

Surprisingly, I enjoyed this story. I’ve found the season to be a bit meh so far but I liked this.

Doctor Who (1963)

S03 E21 · Destruction of Time
This serial dragged on a bit but it was still a good Dalek story. It’s a shame that most of these episodes have been destroyed/lost.

If RTD can bring back the Celestial Toymaker, he should also bring back the Monk. It's a real shame that he hasn't been seen in any episodes after this.

Season 2 rankings: Planet of Giants - 3/5 The Dalek Invasion of Earth - 4.5/5 The Rescue - 3.5/5 The Romans - 4/5 (very Carry On-ish) The Web Planet - 2/5 The Crusade - 2.5/5 The Space Museum - 3.5/5 The Chase - 4/5 The Time Meddler - 4/5 Overall: 3.5/5 A good season with some mixed episodes. T

Might be my favourite cliffhanger of this season

“My dear boy, we’re trying to beat the Daleks, not start a jumble sale!” Iconic quote.

A 3.5 rating for this serial. Whilst it starts off very well, the story is let down by the subsequent episodes. This might not be the best or worst serial of this season but I did find it enjoyable to watch.

Doctor Who (1963)

S02 E27 · The Dimensions of Time
“The least important things sometimes, my dear boy, lead to the greatest discoveries” I think this quote sums up the spirit and nature of The Doctor very well.

Nero’s a silly guy

Season 1 Serial Rankings: An Unearthly Child - 3.5/5 The Daleks - 4/5 The Edge of Destruction - 3/5 Marco Polo - 4/5 The Keys of Marinus - 3.5/5 The Aztecs - 3.5/5 The Sensorites - 3.5/5 The Reign of Terror - 4/5 Overall: 3.5/5 A mostly enjoyable start to an iconic show. Whilst there were some

Doctor Who (1963)

S01 E38 · Guests of Madame Guillotine
Susan being terrified of rats mere days after encountering the Sensorites is so funny to me

Ian is once again being a fashion icon. Also, the teleportation sound effect was very satisfying and funny

It’s such a shame that this is a missing serial because the Loose Cannon reconstruction shows this is an interesting story. The sets and costumes are impressive!

This was an okay serial. I don’t think it should’ve been 7 parts (episode 6 in particular was a filler episode) but it was enjoyable and a great introduction to the daleks!

Chanelle get your hands off of Jordan right now!! Anyways, Yinrun is sweet and Olivia shouldn’t have loudly scolded her in front of everyone