Gets lost in its own sauce but man those back 3 are fucking catastrophically good. Like Suvvession should be a 5 season show but it’s okay. Season 3 is the “now do a silly one”
Good fucking television. Strong fucking start. The show has the juice, here we’re just watching it get blended.
106 especially an undeniable masterpiece. One of the great TV episodes.
So cool lol. He’s just a murderer. Raylan loses a little bit of centrality as the show decides Walton Goggins is sick and cool but that’s just part of the season 1 roadbumps I imagine.
Bit too Mike heavy in the front half, especially with the buildup toward Chicanery mounting, but other than that a perfect season of Television. Chicanery gets the love but Lantern is the seminal piece for me. Exceptional television.
The shift in the setting elevates the show to such a higher refinement. Like a shot of adrenaline that just brings in a whole new energy which isn’t necessarily overwhelming but quite pleasant and ergonomic.
Probably the season where Don is at his worst in his relationships with others and himself
A mostly-terrific pressure cooker that completely shoots itself in the foot with one of the most horribly misguided final episodes of the prestige era. Doesn't kill it, of course -- it remains frequently thrilling and "Ozymandias" is just as great an hour of television as its reputation suggests --