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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon (2023)

S02 E06 · The Book of Carol: Au Revoir Les Enfants

This episode is almost exactly like the third episode, just with a different camera angle and some very few new scenes. Those new scenes, however, give us NOTHING else than what we already had heard or could VERY CLEARLY AND OBJECTIVELY assume out of the context of the previous episodes. Half a sta

Lord in heaven, the dialogue is worse than "I don't like sand." Even if the show wasn't full of plot conveniences and pseudo-emotional bullshit, none of the character deaths would matter. Because we never got to explore these characters more than superficially. The series is more than half over no

The character motivations were dull but now they're inconsistent, too. Why the fuck does Mae suddenly turn to the light side? Why the fuck are half of the Jedi in this episode fucking NPCs? Why the fuck does everything look like a fucking CW production? Why the fuck was this episode only half an

They shouldn't do a filler episode like this right before the finale...

Another testimony to the fact that this series does never fully commit to a dark tone. "Your village will burn" but it's just empty words. There are no real consequences. And with Omega captured, we're once again exactly where we have been at the beginning of the season. The Bad Batch is one lifele

Ventress is dead! She was killed even before the end of the Clone Wars! Once again, they are retconning stuff here, thus absolutely wrecking the continuity. I hate that so much and they are just doing it over and over again! Fucking invent your damn own stories and stop destroying other people's wo

pew pew and some pretentious dialogue

Who came up with the idea of a second season when they already lacked ideas for stories in the first one?

I Am Groot (2022)

S02 E04 · Groot's Sweet Treat
Where is Rocket in these shorts? Isn't he always so overprotective of Groot?

Deeper in the uncanny valley than Henry Cavill's upper lip in Justice League

The CGI really sucks...

Wenn man versucht, die Story von IT wieder zusammen zu stückeln, nachdem man den Film vor vor 3 Jahrem einmal gesehen hat. Und man musste natürlich jedes Mitglied der Simpsons-Familie krampfhaft hineinzwängen.