As a fan of James Gunn, and hopeful for his DCU, I have been severely disappointed with this show. It started pretty fun, but seemed to get worse and worse. I’m just gonna say that Animation is not Gunn’s medium. Wish I liked this, but I couldn’t.
Not to be dramatic but this really feels like a jumping the shark moment. This season has kind of gone in no direction. It doesn’t really have a concrete theme, no concrete protagonist, and I was waiting. I was waiting for something that would be a great payoff to still make the season serviceable.
One of the most depressing films/shows I have seen, Derek Cianfrance’s I Know This Much is True is one of the greatest depictions of mental health. It’s hard to watch at times, or for most of the show it is hard to watch. But, it also shows how pain can help you heal and push through life. Without f