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Joined on January 7, 2023


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Insane story! All 3 adults are psychopaths.

Didn’t love the first half of this season but the 2nd half and in particular the last several episodes more than make up for it. The 2-part tearjerker finale is exceptional TV and really moved me. So happy they had Williamson return to write it.

Lizzy Caplan is everything as Annie Wilkes!

Best season yet. Funny satire on Hollywood.

Very good follow up to Orphan Black. They managed to create a clever NEW concept with ties to the original series.

One of the weaker seasons due to no overarching mystery. Gabby is the MVP of the season, her stories were the most engaging as was her performance. A missed opportunity not giving Vanessa Williams more to do.

Such a fun surprise. Entertaining stories and characters. I really enjoyed this.

I hate sports and I even like this show!

4 stars for how clever and original this concept is. It’s a hybrid of many genres impressively executed. Not all episodes hit it out of the park, so there is room for improvement if they do a 2nd season.

Best new reality competition series in years! I want to play!

Doesn’t offer much new to the zombie genre but still very entertaining and better than the Walking Dead.

Not as epic as season 2 but still entertaining and one of my favorite HW franchises.

Super Fun! Jennifer Tilly steals the show!

One of the best seasons in a long time. Not as good as seasons 2 and 3 but close.

Better than Yellowstone. Strong female characters.