kevin lowkey playing the victim in parts where he was definetly not was very frustraiting but i feel like this covered the situation more respectfully than some others have
This season is on my LAST. NERVE.
This episode was boring as hell with all the fun people gone, and then you end it without revealing who got the advantage OR who was banished?! Wasting my goddamned time.
They literally all knew Ciara was a Faithful but were too stupid and lazy to think about anything else. Like not a single person was actually shocked or mad when she left.
the instant visceral reaction everyone had to sandoval saying "historically girls are better cheaters than guys"...LMFAOAOA yeah i know ariana sleeps real real good at night
unfunny and overly long monologue from an irrelevant (or just straight up disliked) host with nothing new to say. bad sketches. drab and tired update bit from the world's least compelling clown sarah sherman. i'm begging props to put down the fake blood.
The last episode is what the entire show is all about... I've been uncontrollably crying for the last 2 hours because it's a reminder that life is fleeting, friendship can be lasting, love is a choice and we are all trying our fucking best.