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Joined on May 2, 2024


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Mark and Helly running holding hands while Mark is covered in blood as ‘Windmills of your Mind’ plays in the background. The TV camera slowly shifts into a film camera, and the frame freezes.... There was no better way to end this incredible finale.

I'm honestly stunned and speechless by what I just watched. The writing was powerful, and the performances by Erin Doherty and Owen Cooper were absolutely phenomenal. Every line, every moment—just brilliant. I still can't believe Netflix delivered something this outstanding. Truly unforgettable.

This episode was intense and genuinely hard to watch. It really made me appreciate how lucky I was to have a normal, enjoyable school life—back when we weren’t glued to phones or drowning in all this chaos. Schools today are in such a sad state… kids don’t even have basic manners anymore. 😭 And spe

Mrs. Davis (2023)

S01 E05 · A Great Place to Drink to Gain Control of Your Drink
HOLY FRICKING SHIT!!! what a absolute blast this episode was like litterely. The way they reveal whole lore and connected all the pieces was just mind fkin blowing or should I say head fkin blowing. It felt PERFECT in very way man personaly I love music and acting in this episode. Wiely and Simon's

"it means EAT SHIT mr drummond" Milchik is goat.. What an amazing set up for finale episode Loved it sm!!!


U know animation quality has improved when they start animating hairs so beautifully


HOLY SHIT!!! invincible is better then marval and dc in terms of storytelling. this was most fuckde up, craziest unpredictable thing ever

OMG!! This episode was such a beautiful melancholy. There was a sad calmness in it. I love this episode music choice. The entire feel of this episode was so different from the rest, and it makes perfect sense because it's a flashback. It was such a brilliant creative decision to make it visually dis

"who said i never killed anyone?" Kendall was peak throughout the whole episode. And is just me or this episode was visually sooo beautiful then other eps. Such a great start of this season. ITS A FKIN WAR!!!!

Succession (2018)

S02 E10 · This Is Not for Tears
"you are not a killer son" And ken did make biggest kill of the century 😭 OMGG!!! i totaly didn't see that coming i thought it can't surpass season 1 finale but holy shit Kendall my brave boyy!!! U fkin did it!

"Time for blood sacrifice" This episode was soo tance I love it sm!!! Now finale let's go

OMG am litterely in tears while writing this. This is the most beautiful conclusion I have ever seen.. I forget how many times I cried. When jin and sun remember when charlie and clair remember, locke, sawyer and Juliet and the last 5 or 10 minutes when everyone was hugging each other and smiling

"I won't leave you again" Such a perfect episode from start to finish.. Sayid redeem himself by sacrificing Most heartbreaking and perfect conclusion of jin and sun.. I was crying throughout the second half 😭😭 And I love Jack and locke parallels Only three eps left now I don't wanna finish this

Lost (2004)

S06 E11 · Happily Ever After
Fk it am giving it 5 star every single Desmond and panny moment litterely melts my heart everytime 😭😭 They are litterely best couple 💖❣️ DESMOND AND PANNY FOREVER 💓🥰

HOLY SHIT!!! Writing wise this was so fkin good.. richard actor performance was phenomenal.. And we get to know more abt jecob and MIB Such a perfect episode this type of episode was what I wanted from this finale season.

Such an amazing season opener.. I loved both two outcomes of last season endings.. And Juliet and sawyer why lost makers why :((( One thing I wanna mention that how fricking amazing smoke monster sound is it's feels so mysterious and horrifying. And that temple's leader guy is hiroyuki sanada fro

Lost (2004)

S05 E17 · The Incident (2)
i like season 5 soo much but these cliffhangers man 😭 😭 😭 and what's john's situation?? and is this island lore related to Egyptian mythology??

4 fkin 4?? Really??? This episode was sooo fkin peak man!! It kind of give hint of this island's mythology and ben's whole stuff was soo fricking good PPL hate this season for no reason 😕

PEAK FICTION!!! production quality and writing of this episode was 🔥🔥🔥

Lost (2004)

S05 E07 · The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham
"you are just a lonely old man who crashed on island" "I am failure" this episode was so heartbreaking man, almost had me cry sorry john lock for every bad thing i say abt you in past you are soo goated i relies this now

Lost (2004)

S05 E05 · This Place Is Death
OMG this episode was soo fkin amazing.. Who were saying season 5 is worst?? It's going consistent yet. I love young Danielle Rousseau. Am loving and enjoying time travle stuff so much man!! And ending 🔥🔥🔥

Lost (2004)

S04 E13 · There's No Place Like Home (2)
HOLY SHIT!! another peak finale And oMG lost's writing is still fire till now it's perfect actually Ending 10 minutes were incredible And FINALLY penny and Desmond reunion litterely made me cry 😭❣️ What was all island moving and locke thing I am bit worried abt next seasons cause everyone says

Lost (2004)

S04 E09 · The Shape of Things to Come
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This was absolute mind blowing. The direction and writing of this episode was top tier. Desmond and panny forever 💓💓