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Years and Years (2019)
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Reviews for Years and Years

Too real

extremely depressing but so so good!! i’m trying to watch more of the goat russell t davies’s work, i think i’ll watch it’s a sin next !!

oh god

Gripping stuff, but so dark and depressing is this series by Russell T Davies that I was using Good Omens - the Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett series about a literal Biblical Apocalypse - as a palette cleanser because it was more cheery...

Far and wide one of my favourite TV shows and possibly the best miniseries I ever have or ever will see, Years and Years is a brutally realistic, explicitly political family drama with some of the greatest TV characters of all time paired with stunning performances. How this flew so under the radar

Watched this when it first came out! Incredible mastery of drama, comes across as chillingly realistic with some fierce social commentary. I don't remember finding the characters interesting in themselves however, and the 'solutions' towards the story's end came across as very underwhelming and insu

Never watching this again ❤️

Russell always stays with the slay. I need them Doctor Who specials IMMEDIATELY.

"It's like we went too far. We imagined too much. We sent all those probes into space, and we went to the very edge of the solar system, built the Hadron Collider and the Internet, and we painted all those paintings, and we wrote all those great songs, and then, pop! Whatever we had, we punctured it

Watched this show with my mum when it first came out shat myself. Now I’m perfectly content with the implant in my arm and the fact that the world is going to shit 😂

Russell T. Davies is an absolute genius.

Beautiful and heartbreaking The musical score is just insanely good

Not to be too nihilistic but this was a little too optimistic, and I think in a way even Russell T. Davies knows this. Regardless, very emotional mini-series that strikes all of the right notes emotionally. Like It's A Sin, I don't want to say too much both to avoid spoilers and to avoid falling int

i love politics and thinking about the future of it

not my cup of tea

A very interesting concept of a show with brilliant ideas that‘s let down a bit by its acting and finale.

Hidden gem. So good. Think Black Mirror before the Americans took it over. Remove the anthology structure and replace it with a family drama. Fantastic television.

RTD est juste un génie de la télévision. Avec Moffat ça fait partie des 2 plus grands showrunners de l'histoire. Quelle série incroyable. Je t'aime RTD. Quelle chance on a eu de l'avoir sur Doctor Who.

This show makes me want to move to the middle of the forest and start a potato farm

Una visión del mundo completamente pesimista y distópica, y a la vez, una representación fiel y exacta de lo que pasaría si Isabel Díaz Ayuso gana las elecciones autonómicas de la Comunidad de Madrid el 28 de mayo de 2023. Entre esto e "It's a Sin", yo diría que "Doctor Who" vuelve a estar en buena

Me la metí por el culo hace mil años pero es que es buenísima

RTD with another banger miniseries