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X-Men (1992)
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Reviews for X-Men

Thanks to the Disney/Fox deal and the launch of Disney’s seemingly unstoppable juggernaut of a streaming service – DisneyPlus – it’s never been easier to see the 1992 X-Men cartoon in its entirety, especially since this is actually my first time ever binging the entire series! Back then, it was a hu

Such a fun adaption that perfectly captures the charm and the dyamic of the X Men. Almost all characters are fairly faithful to their comics minus the writers making Jean a fainting fraud. But seriously, Gambit, Rogue and Beast here are so good! I really like the voicing acting here, really bring

A bit weaker than season 1 but it provides some more insight and development for our characters! Mainly Rogue, Beast and Scott and Jean to an extent. The animation is an improvement from season 1, it feels more fluid and it feels like they are starting to find the needed movements to make it feel sm

7.1/10 Solid 1st season but sometimes the pacing was a bit off in some episodes and some characters aren't fully developed, like Jubilee, but still had fun overall and really like what they did with the political stuff about Mutant issues Also I understand why people are down bad for Rogue, I see

7/10 Another solid season with some great standalone episodes for some of our characters (minus Jubilee who seems non-existent in this show so far) But the weakest part of the season was Savage Land stuff and Mr. Sinister felt underwhelming Favorite episodes: 'Till Death Do Us: Part 1', 'A Rogu

The writers hella conflicted about Beast in the first season fr FREE MY GUY

6.9/10 I think it's a solid show and pretty good introduction to the X-Men. I would probably be nostalgic for it if I watched this when I was younger but the dip in quality in later seasons prevent me from rating it higher The best parts were when it focused on certain characters (except for Jubil

Season 2 would 100% have topped season 1 if it was not for Mojovision which really sucked. The awesomeness about season 2 is a the background story's on characters you may not have known much about outside of the x-men. Colossus & Cable - really loved it. Rogues background on Ms Marvel - how slic

This is what I like and appreciate from this animated series, it's filled with great stories, characters and morals. In this season, we see Gambit, Rogue and Logan goes out for a ski holiday in Paris, arriving there Logan hear the rumors about demon in the local town. Getting curious, he went to inv

Season One - wow so 90s This cartoon was more mature than what I remember but also so true to the comics. Once I got over the nostalgic feeling of the first couple of episodes I really got suckled back into how good a cartoon this really is. Story telling at its best and always with a hidden mean

¡Gracias por tanto X-Men! Ojalá en el UCM les hagan justicia tal como lo hacen sus cómics y por supuesto, esta serie animada que para mi, es la mejor de Marvel de los 90.

I love the X-Men, so don't ask me why I've not watched this before, but it was pretty great! I admittedly prefer the darker tone of somerhing like the Batman animated show for example, though this was still a super fun adaptation and a great introduction to the characters. Plus, I felt like they man

cute show to put on for background noise!!! and I just love the xmen in general. also here is a list of my fav wolverine quotes from this season cuz logan is a sassy icon: • "had enough cajun? just say oncle" • "anytime pretty boy" (🏳️‍🌈❓️🤨) • "got bit by a dog too" (while telling everybody what

6.4/10 - for the episode order on Disney+ It had a great finale but still the weakest season of show and the animation downgraded Favorite episodes: 'Old Soldiers' and 'Graduation Day'

At this point, Summers and Grey should probably forgo honeymoons and weddings altogether; they never seem to end well. This was the weakest season of 'X-Men: The Animated Series' yet, and a huge letdown compared to previous seasons. The ratings for Season 5 aren't giving me much hope either for th

Senti uma falta de direcionamento nessa primeira temporada, um ponto mais focal, assim como foram os três últimos episódios. Ainda não tivemos um desenvolvimento de personagens, mas tá tendo um começo a passos lentos. Espero algumas melhorias pra próxima temporada, apesar de ser fácil de assistir

Good stuff overall, but a little slow at times. It is the first season after all, they're finding the groove. Can't complain too much. Every character is given a personality and overall, everyone is very cool. I like that there's an overarching story through the whole season. Makes every episode f

Yeah this shit rocks An entire season flew by and I am still humming that theme , the X-Men have always been my favourite superhero team and seeing this cheesy 90s cartoon was a delight , captured the X-Men’s team dynamic in a way that the movies never could , favourites beside Wolverine would be G

68% The second season of X-Men is finally done and after watching the first two episodes of the season, I can immediately tell the dip in quality. The first two episodes weren't bad, but episodes 3-6 didn't interest me much and were pretty mid throughout. Episodes 7 and 8 midway through I thought w

72% Solid first season for X-Men. I'm surprised how fast I finished the first season. Although, some of the episodes were a bit boring, others I found enjoyable enough to make me keep going and finish the season quick. It's cool to see the X-Men in the comic accurate outfits and seeing them work as

The X-men are 10 times more interesting when Charles is not there. And every time we cut to the savage land to see what he had going on I groaned. That said Charles and magneto were 110% gay lovers and should kiss I’ve thought this for years and I stand by it now.

6.8/10 - for the episode order on Disney+ It's step down compared to the past 2 seasons, especially with episodes with alien stuff. I think the rating would've been lower if it's wasn't for the Dark Phoenix arc Favorite episodes: 'The Dark Phoenix - Part 3: Dark Phoenix' and 'The Dark Phoenix - Pa

Surprisingly serialised for a 90s cartoon , Season 2 of X-Men expanded on a lot of the lore and characteristics which included some really peak standalone episodes for individual characters ,especially the Beauty and Beast episode where Hank McCoy showed his emotional side after seemingly being port

For a first season, this is surprisingly really solid. Theres a lot of character work that’s done and it all feels fluid alongside the story arcs that they’re telling. Everything in this show connects like a nice Jigsaw puzzle and I’m even finding out info that I never used to know about the X-Men.