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Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty (2022)
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Reviews for Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty

Some of the most entertaining tv put to screen ever, fast paced funny and full of dramatic moments. I've never been a lakers fan but I despise the celtics even more so all I have to say is FUCK BOSTON

Just an incredible show still. I hope more people watch this in season two because I really want to see it to it’s end and also it’s just so damn good. If you’re a basketball fan, and if you’re not. This is just damn good television. Season Two is coming in a few weeks and I just can’t fucking wait.

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Es una joyita la verdad, no soy tan fan del basket pero está historia está genial.

4th wall breaking is never not cool

I have just learned there will be no season 3 so now I am very depressed

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Now that’s how do you a fucking sports biopic

This was one of the best shows HBO has had in awhile and while it was very dramatized it just worked so well. I’m very sad to see that HBO decided to cancel it because there is just so much more history that could have made awesome TV…

kareem abdul jabar you will always be famous

The best sports show I’ve ever seen. A travesty it only lasted two seasons.

Adam McKay es un a veces sí, a veces no. Ahora, con esta serie, creo genuinamente que su magia se presenta muchísimo más cuando adapta historias reales. ¿Qué puedo decir de esta serie? Buenísima. He visto otras series este año bastante buenas pero ninguna tan completa como esta. La diferencia está

A perfect first season! It utilized McKays style better than he even utilizes it most of the time haha. A very funny, surprisingly endearing adventure I wasn’t sure I was going to love but ended up loving it. I don’t even really care for basketball and it made me curious to watch a few games possibl

PUMP THIS SHIT INTO MY VEINSSSSS This show is everything. Balls to the wall writing and editing. No gimmick too cheap, no trick too flashy, and i can’t get ENOUGH. The wall breaks, the on-screen text, the stock footage, the split screens, the sex…it’s like Annie Hall gone wild on crack? So rapidly

Downloaded this app just to say how fucking good Jason Clarke is and honestly the show in general, it’s so fucking good and Will Farrell that baby cried about not being able to play Jerry Buss but if he did play Jerry Buss, the show would have died.


I love Adam McKay’s vision to see The Lakers’ rising stardom.

Loved it

One of the most consistent and entertaining seasons of television I've watched in a long long time. I could've watched several more seasons of this show