Backdrop poster for Transformers: Robots In Disguise
Transformers: Robots In Disguise
Poster for Transformers: Robots In Disguise
4 seasons
, 71 episodes
Episode run time
23 minutes
Mar 14 2015
Last aired
Nov 11 2017

Transformers: Robots In Disguise

2015 • 4 seasons • 23m • Kids, Animation, Aliens, Animation for Kids • TV-Y7
Years after the events of Predacons Rising, Bumblebee is summoned back to Earth to battle several of Cybertron's most wanted Decepticons that escaped from a crashed prison ship and assembles a team of young Autobots that includes Sideswipe (a rebel "bad boy bot"), Strongarm (an Elite Guard cadet), G

Seasons (4)

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Considering Transformers Prime is one of my favourite shows of all time it’s a real shame that this was ASS

Bom, pessoal, apesar de que eu já estava interessado em assistir alguns desenhos de Transformers pra entender melhor sobre a franquia e os personagens, o motivo pra eu ter assistido Transformers Animated, Transformers Rescue Bots, Transformers Cyber-Verse, Transformers Prime e a trilogia Transformer

I like Bumblebee, so I loved this series and it's one I routinely re-watch. There's a lot I like about RID 2015, but equally a lot of frustrating stuff I wish wasn't part of it, too. Interesting concepts and story potential, which is sadly not realised. Welcome to Transformers.

Stunticon arc conclusion was kinda underwhelming. The Deception controlled High Council was cool though, even if I feel it could have been developed more. Also, awesome to see Bulkhead again. Unfortunately, no Arcree though?

I'm one of the 6 people on this entire planet that really likes this show's art style has a lot of the same problems as TFP's writing but even worse, but I can't be upset by it ig, it tries to have fun with it. characters are hard to get invested in and I don't like a lot of the running jokes, but

Not the greatest sequel to Transformers: Prime, still a watchable show nonetheless. Lot's of great ideas, some were executed well and others felt like missed potential. Characters tend to learn similar things over and over, which can be redundant.

Best season of the show. It is only 6 episodes, but I actually think that works in the seasons favor. It allows the story to be more contained and leads to less filler. Seeing Starscream return with Steve Blum reprising the role was a treat. Minicon storyline was intereting, especially Starscream's

It’s alright, I don’t like bumblebee in this which is a shock, bumblebee is usually one of my favorites.

the fact this show is constantly hated on should be a crime

Absolute doodoo ass shit for brains can't believe this is a sequel to prime fml kms doodoo stinky brainrot

Such damned shame this consider a sequel to Transformers Prime as this doesn't meet at all the incredible legacy that show left making this just disappointing.

There's a lot more references to Prime, and certain characters return which makes this show feel more like a follow-up. Optimus Prime's characterization is just weird here though. He all of a sudden feels he has to be the one leading, just because he has before when it seemed he had no problem letti

A solid season, but maybe not the best sequel to Transformers Prime. I like the unique designs for the Decepticons, them being based on earth creatures gave me Mega Man X vibes. The crazy, but unique personalities they have makes them stand out too. Finale was underwhelming though, Megatronus should