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Total Drama All-Stars and Pahkitew Island (2014)
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Reviews for Total Drama All-Stars and Pahkitew Island

pls dont piss me off

Total Drama Pahkitew Island
honestly? although i didnt enjoy a lot of this season (mostly bc the challenges were just boring), i liked this cast more than revenge of the island

Total Drama Pahkitew Island
estuvo entretenido, a pesar de que no era lo mismo sin el elenco original. me encantó el personaje de jazmín y la pareja que hace con shawn, son unos lindos, los ame.

All stars had a top tier cast wasted on on Center info the season around Mal so it ended up feeling like a disappointment Pahkitew Island was just meh like so bland it felt like a YouTube fanfic series or something

Total Drama All-Stars
all stars infelizmente estragou quase todos os personagens tentando criar um arco final pra eles o que não deu certo, fora os personagens sendo contraditórios, a parte dos desafios é interessante por ser referências a temporadas anteriores, porém o estado do acampamento deixou a desejar

Total Drama All-Stars
It's so dogshit but it's also total drama so my bias can't give it a bad rating

Total Drama All-Stars
This season is bipolar

Total Drama Pahkitew Island

All star is okay The other one isn't