Backdrop poster for The Umbrella Academy (2019)
The Umbrella Academy (2019)
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Reviews for The Umbrella Academy

I hate the writers for making five and Lila kiss so unexpected and random her cheating on Diego which such good chemistry between them to ruin that and make five and Lila kiss speechless five and Lila platonic relationship was so good and the plot was a mess I’ll pretend season 4 doesn’t exist

That was the lamest shit I've ever seen. This show used to be fun. What happened to fun?

I can't believe I'm dropping one of my fav shows that has been with me for the past 5 years... but after the things I heard about s4 and after I got spoiled the finale... I refuse to watch it. It breaks my heart just thinking about it. This whole plot makes no sense and these characters deserved SO

Se eu fosse descrever essa temporada em uma palavra ,seria decepção. A anterior já não foi boa e essa agora piorou ,"vilões" tirado do cu e a ainda sem sal ou carisma , VÁRIOS FUROS DE ROTEIRO GIGANTES ,explicações que nós queríamos não tivemos ,coisas mal explicada ,casais nojento que não tem nem

THIS SUCKED. Felt completely rushed, everything felt inaccurate and so pointless, way to kill a show lmao

the show ended on season three for me! this season never existed! that horrible ending never happened!

This had to be one of the worst ending in the history of shows. The way this is written is awful. I watched the umbrella academy just for that?! I loved the first 2 seasons and hated for the last 2. Don’t get me started on Lila and Five it was terrible and boring. They threw everything away for what

Cannot describe how much i hated the last two seasons. Ending was infuriating.

6 hours wasted. You know now the whole show feels like a waste of time

i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate incest i hate

such a shame umbrella academy got cancelled at 3 seasons however the third wasnt very good either

thanks i hate it

Okay, who’re those characters exactly??? Absolutely disappointed with this season finale 🙂 all the characters are definitely not the same as previous seasons The way they acted doesn’t feel right Even the story continuities is not continuing, do you get it? 😭

Netflix,,, next time just cancel the show


i have information that may lead to the arrest of steve blackman

juste scandaleux : absolument aucun mystère résolu, on comprend encore moins ce qu'il se passe, on se pose encore + de questions, déjà que la saison 3 était pas si incroyable là c'est vraiment le downfall. trop dommage parce que les deux premières saisons étaient parfaites, mais là c'est pas possibl

words cannot describe how much i loathe this season. have literally never been so disappointed by a piece of media in my entire life. i really hope season 3 prioritizes good writing as seen in season 1 and not slapstick humor as seen in season 2.

such an awful way to end a show that had soooo much potential and so many good seasons behind it !!!!