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The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst (2015)
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Reviews for The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst

Incredible case, and incredible how the documentary manages to achieve justice that the state has not achieved in decades...

I don't believe in the glorification of murder. I do believe in the empowerment of Debrah Charatan. An unnecessary and self-indulgent follow-up to a masterpiece that breathed new life into this genre of death just to bludgeon it to death, chop it into pieces -- killed them all again, of course.

Breathed new life into this genre of death and killedT THEM ALL, OF COURSE.

he needs to stop talking to himself 💀 incredible documentary though

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Watched every episode of both seasons as they aired. Very well-made doc that has access to all kinds of telling footage. Last two episodes really stick the landing as they widen the focus. Grade: B+

Was a little worried going into this that it wouldn’t have the same shock value since obviously Durst isn’t participating in this like he was the first season, but boy was I wrong. The new information uncovered a new layer to Durst’s evilness I didn’t think was possible, and it’s presented so engagi

Overall this could have just been a 2-hour long special but it’s absolutely wild the things this man got away with and the people that helped him to do it

well done, couldve easily been a sole documentary insead of a series in my opinion

For someone (like me) who stopped keeping up with the Durst case, I thought this was so interesting! I actually wanted to know more about Deborah. I know she isn’t the main character in this but everything I learned about her was insane.

With the exception of season one of the (deservedly) acclaimed podcast Serial, the most engaging and thrilling true-crime documentary I’ve ever seen 🤷‍♂️ The conceit behind this—that the creator of this directed a movie loosely based on Robert Durst’s suspected murder of his wife (All Good Things,

i’ll never talk to myself again

"I hate when GIRLS die." Rapper Young Thug, tweeted on 1/17/2015 at 1:17 AM I'm not a big true crime guy in general but this series is well-crafted enough to break past my biases. You can tell there's real thought put into the episodic structure of the series and it's pretty masterful at choosing

The Jinx is arguably the best true crime series there has ever been. This second part gives some good closure to the events of the first. But it makes you realise that what made the first part so compelling was Bob Durst's involvement with the making of the show. Him being in jail in this part, an

nothing will beat season 1 but season 2 still certainly had its moments most jaw dropping crime doco series methinks

It doesn't have the same shock and awe as the original season, but Part 2's dissection of the People v Robert Durst was about as good of a follow up as you could ask for

HOLY FUCKING SHIThjefbksb/!&;!3’

El documental, como la figura que retrata, acaba diluyéndose y dando sensación de falso cierre, algo amargo. Sí acierta en mostrar las miserias de todos los implicados. Poderoso caballero es Don Dinero.

More heart and yet more wackiness and surprises to be found in season 2 of the Jinx 30 apr 2024 - 7 Jun 2024

While it could clearly never live up to the aspect of having Durst willingly participate in the original doc, this still does a great job at chronicling the events of the last nine years in an entertaining and digestible manner. The score is also incredibly well done at times, adding a haunting an

leave deborah alone. believe women !

Still highly compelling even on rewatch, this well produced documentary dives deep into the darkness of this husk of a man and has a twist stranger than fiction: the ripple effects of which have continued to this day.