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The Gift (2019)
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Reviews for The Gift

Didn't hate it but meh

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I liked this first season. Everything about it was super interesting, although some of it was pretty predictable. I am really disappointed about the ending. They completely missed their chance of doing something good in the end. To be honest it just made me loose hype for the second season, like...

it started of good but i really didn't like the ending and i'm not really hyped about the 2nd season

Una historia en Turquía que comenzó siendo algo muy interesante sobre arqueología, pero que se fue desviando hacia un drama familiar mucho más simple. Tiene extraños cambios de tono en la trama, pero con buena calidad audiovisual. Pd. Los turcos son muy atractivos. 👀

واحد من أجمل المسلسلات التركية، يستحق وقتكم.

mehmet günsür ve metin akdülger için beren saat oyunculuğuna üç sezon katlandık

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İlk sezonun verdiği vibe diğer sezonlarda çok vasat geldi.

I do like this show but in the end it has it's ways

At first this was interesting until it became so boring