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The Expanse (2015)
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Reviews for The Expanse

flop era. shoutout to holden and amos for holding down the fort

Basically a bottle episode but it’s 10 hours long… hoping they can pull me back in

É uma sensação de nada acontecendo e de muita raiva também por saber do potencial que a série teria se fosse bem escrita. Se tivessem tomado boas decisões e não tivesse plots e falas tão mal feitos... As partes mais interessantes eram o plot do planeta novo (nos primeiros cinco minutos dos episódio

Not my kind of scifi 👎

Just follow the books man. They're bestsellers for a reason. Every change made here was significantly worse than the source material. The characters all became unlikable assholes. Half of them were horribly miscast anyway.