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The Curse (2023)
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Reviews for The Curse

I curse this show

I was assured this would get better as the show went on but at no point did this turn a corner and "get good." My major reaction was boredom, all of my observations feel like absurd reaches that stem from being so aggressively droned on to. Everyone sucks to listen to, both as an auditory criticism

was this supposed to be enjoyable? or meaningful? i watched for emma stone, and i liked uncut gems, but i did not like this. maybe i just didn't get it idk..

i’m sorry i really wanted to like this like but it’s just not good. like i feel so bad saying that cuz i love nathan and emma sooo much but this was like i don’t even know what i watched it was just too weird even for me like okay 😭😭😭

I haven't seen megalopolis yet but this feels similar to giving Francis Ford Coppola a $120 million dollar budget to do whatever. Nathan fielder and the Safdies got showtime and a24 to just go a long a do whatever this is. Yeah, this is cohesive and there's a sense of style to what they are doing