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The Challenge
Poster for The Challenge
40 seasons
, 626 episodes
Episode run time
42 minutes
Apr 20 1998
Last aired
Jan 22 2025
🏆 Competition

The Challenge

1998 • 40 seasons • 42m • Reality, Competition • TV-14
Legends will fall. A new champion will rise.
Each Challenge pits numerous cast members from past seasons of reality shows against each other, dividing them into two separate teams according to different criteria, such as gender, which show they first appeared on, whether or not they're veterans or rookies on the show, etc. The two teams compet

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War of the Worlds
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Not my favorite season, definitely wasn’t as physical or challenging then the rest. The only thrilling part was probably the voting process and finding out who voted for them.

Very entertaining season, but the bullying of Cara Maria tarnishes the overall image, that was grossly over the line and just purely malicious. For once I appreciate Laurel being a mean girl, Paula had it coming. The beginning of CT’s redemption arc and the reason why he’s considered the best to e

Battle for a New Champion
I was not a fan of this season. A bunch of cry babies and no one wants to get their hands dirty. MTV please do not do this concept ever again

Did I watch this entire season in one day? Yes. Do I regret it? No. I watched some seasons of ‘The Challenge’ back in the 2020 quarantine and I rly liked it. Great trash TV. It’s so interesting to follow these (questionable) personalities through literal decades of feuds and great moments. I thin

rachel and landon stan for life !!

The start of the Laurel/Cara beef.....

Battle of the Exes
A very entertaining season, but my god were there frustrating moments. For starters, fuck production, the fact that they initially planned to let Vinnie compete after he sexually harassed Mandi was gross. I was glad to see Wes (who I previously disliked) step up to defend Mandi. Then there was the

Top tier season ❗️❗️

god i hope they never think of using this format again it was terrible

The Inferno III
susie has to be one of the most insufferable players to ever be on this show

One of the last seasons which gives off old challenge energy and I love it everyone is soo messy I miss the vets

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georgia and theo loveeee

Battle of the Eras
Amazing ending to a great season Rachel!!!! Fucking bad ass

Battle of the Seasons
Liked the format/style but a lot of people on the season were irrelevant. Think it would be fun to do this with different challenge seasons (fingers crossed this idea gets recycled soon) Also realllyyy hated the unfair treatment of Sam and women this season (Zach & frank hate train)

Battle for a New Champion
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Battle for a New Champion
2nd full challenge szn & im having a blast on the mainline show 😎

Baby bananas!!!! Forgot Kenny & Evan existed and Wes was soo jacked it was insane Also it’s funny watching the beginning seasons and seeing how easy & honestly low key they were compared to now

Battle for a New Champion
I’ll start by saying, Nurys made this season what it was. A purely star is born performance start to finish. Could not be happier for her! Boring winner. Sad final 7. Extremely long middle area where no one went home. A flurry of uninteresting international contestants (looking at you James & Colle

My first ever season of the challenge I watched <333 Wes and Casey absolutely historic partnership Also the intro / growth of a lot of icons here

War of the Worlds
Insane season!! The final was brazyyy I don’t know if they’ll ever top it. Great cast and so many amazing new people - this is the downfall of Cara which is my only complaint :(

Battle for a New Champion
Nurys deserves everything but especially BETTER than the BS ending to this season *honorable mention to Michele for passing the mother torch onto Nurys