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Supacell (2024)
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Reviews for Supacell

"Dumb bitch." Ambitiously uses sickle cell disease as a metaphor for the Black British experience yet haphazardly strings together its clichés and stereotypes; Misfits by way of Top Boy, albeit unnecessarily.

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the premise definitely has potential but it ultimately felt lackluster and superficial. still it’s a solid show with great lighting so i think i’ll tune in for season 2. also tosin cole u are so pretty

This was alright. A bit too lackluster in the plot but the cast is interesting, and i’m looking forward to the next part.

Terry Donovan supervillan

so...he made it worse??

somewhere btw a 6.5 to a 7 needs to up the budget too

Cringe but good. You can tell the idea behind this show is braindead. Some guy that thought making roadmen have powers would look cool. I kinda enjoyed it, mainly because of the actors. watch if you like Digga D or if your really into these type of show, like the boys, gen v etc... Id actually comp

Watched with some friends. Pretty enjoyable show overall but it's nothing lifechanging personally.

There are a lot of interesting ideas at play in this Misfits-echoing supershow. Unfortunately, instead of exploring them, the series spends too much time during its six precious episodes spinning its wheels. MVP Rodney innocent. Notes: - The Tower Boys (especially Tazer) are almost all deeply unlik

Another series that doesn't know how to develop its plot. This one, especially, gets too bogged down in its contextual melodrama and prevents the characters from moving forward and developing. So much so, that when the final episodes arrive, the meetings occur almost suddenly, without much explanati

Critique de la série Supracell Supracell est une série de science-fiction britannique disponible sur Netflix, créée par Rapman, qui suit un groupe de personnes ordinaires à Londres qui développent subitement des super-pouvoirs. La série explore les enjeux personnels et les luttes de ces nouveaux hé

Uma parte de mim não gosta nenhum um pouco da narrativa de todos esses personagens negros estar em volta de uma história sobre gangues e drogas. Embora, tenha bastante pano pra bastante discussão, ainda é só mais uma das várias representações acompanhadas de esteriótipos. De resto, acho que a série

Yea I just hopped on it because of all the hype not bad

i mean i usually love british tv but this one was weak ngl idk HOW ppl were saying this was the best show of all time when it dropped thats why i had to let the hype die down to start it

Ehh - watched the first 2 episodes and it's too much. Why is there so much violence / why is that the baseline? What's with the v. obvious "shadowy" organization - overall feels a bit too contrived and I probably won't continue

Heroes UK The parallels between Supacell and Heroes are pretty apparent. Less obvious, due only to its obscurity, is how much Supacell has in common with Kwanza Osajyefo’s 2017 graphic novel Black that explores a world where only black folks have the genetic markers to gain superpowers. I’m going t