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Stranger Things (2016)
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Reviews for Stranger Things

A total misstep. Everyone becomes a total asshole to Will and then it’s all forgiven cus the plot demands they band together to stop the big baddie. Billy’s redemption is completely unearned. Just altogether unpleasant and poorly written.

never wanna see this shit again

Stranger Things 4
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Stranger Things 4
sucked immense major dick. the duffers CANNOT write

Stranger Things 4
now let’s see if the duffer brothers are COWARDS #byler

This ain't it

Stranger Things 4
Really bad. Nothing fun or exciting or interesting happens until the last episode when Hopper has to fight the Demogorgon. The rest is padding and filler and most of the cast seem as uninterested as you, the viewer, are. This costs tens of millions per episode for some reason and each episode should

Stranger Things 4
Every once in awhile you need some mid to humble you. Unfortunately, this is not that mid, it’s much worse. One of the worst seasons of television I’ve witnessed even. Dhar Man level script and dialogue. Feels like a parody of itself at this point. Not good👎🏻.

Stranger Things 4
some good moments and all the actors are very talented and i like them all, but this show is like just cringe dialogue after cringe dialogue then the plot isn’t resolved by the way to beat the monster thats been built up all season its some random power or love bullshit and then they kill off the ne

Stranger Things 4
Just gets worse every season. Now we got the fake out deaths, ret cons, the acting feels tired. You notice with shows like this, when the writers want you to feel emotion in a scene, they'll have the characters tell some extremely regular story from their lives, something never shown off screen, and

Stranger Things 2
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80's nostalgia was not enough to save how slow pacing (and borderline boring) this was. i dropped it right after 🤷‍♀️ the chemistry between the kids was cute tho!

Stranger Things 4
a lot like the first three seasons to a fault. i haven’t been interested in this show in years but this is the first time stranger things feels like it’s wasting it’s time. episodes are filled with lazy, uninteresting and frankly boring scenes between characters that don’t help develop the storyline

Buena para pasar el rato en su tiempo, pero no más que eso

Stranger Things 4

Stranger Things is an extraordinary benchmark example of a streaming service producing a solely algorithm-generated series. Where AMC’s The Walking Dead derailed by killing off characters fans despised, Stranger Things takes a similar, yet seamless approach. Tapping into 1980s nostalgia, pop cultu

whts up with all these videos i get recommended on instagram with Millie that always have the comments disabled??

Narratively potential to be something minimally cool and has a good budget to make something well produced. Too bad they took it to an easier/laid-back approach.

Stranger Things 4
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Fuck this childish show. It was good back then, now it sucks.