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Stranger Things (2016)
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Reviews for Stranger Things

Stranger Things 4
I wish it being boring and having some of the worst pacing I've ever seen in a TV show were the worst qualities this show has. For most of it there are no stakes and plenty of sideplots move at a snail's pace despite there not being intriguing to develop in the first place. It doubles down on the

I’m gonna be honest I don’t even feel like spoiling this show cause I’m tired Just kidding Eddie Munson dies but considering this show pulls punches with deaths I gotta add s’more Light from death note dies at the end but he did kill l lawliet ryuzaki half way through so yea there’s that Also in

Might no be my #1 show, but it’s my #1 punching bag 😊

Made me drop the show

This show literally sucks i'm so sorry. boring and repetitive and makes no sense

Stranger Things 2
Kids might enjoy it, I didn't.

Fuck Noah Schnapp and Brett Gelman,all my homies hate Noah Schnapp and Brett Gelman

Why does this show have more than 1 season? Oh yeah. Money, duh.

Shit stains in a bowl of poo cream

Was originally 4.5 stars but now it’s half cuz of N*ah Schn*pp

I'll never forget the Stranger Things Round Table Special where the Duffer Brothers fully complained about working with children and joked about making Sadie Sink have her first kiss on screen as a last minute thing. I absolutely hate these hacks (Duffer brothers), I hate the cop in this show (shou

they really threw what made stranger things good out of the window 💀 💀 we got marvel villains now with goofy dialogue and voice acting 💀 💀 hell nah 💀 💀 💀 in season 1 we weee like “ooh something mysterious is killing people what is it” now we r looking at some goofball within the first 10 minu

eddie munson has caused irreparable damage to me and my family and friends and community

It was ok pretty overhated but still mid

que bagulho chato

Esta serie da cringe en las últimas temporadas

Stranger Things 4
Bored out of my mind! I originally just skipped through all of the Hopper scenes and then just started skipping through all of the scenes. It used to be good. Now I feel like I’m watching Marvel (which I despise)! I’ll probably still watch next season though just because this has been like a 5 year

Encapsulates everything wrong with television from its nostalgia obsession to having untalented child actors prominently featured. Awful show that has been a net negative for society.

from the river to the sea