I grew up with this show as a key part of my life. I’m only a year older than this show but my older brother watched it from day 1 so it was always on in the background to and I got more and more invested as I developed the capability to do so. I was lucky enough to experience both sides of The Cl
One of those "you gotta give it time" shows. I don't think this is for everyone. But it does reward those that stick through the first truly awful 2.5 seasons. By the time seasons 5-7 roll along I think it contains some of the best narrative that Star Wars as a whole has to offer.
By far the best season even though the first half wasn't great barring the first 2 episodes. The Mortis Arc is definitely the best in the show so far.
Onto season 4 and from what I know, this is where the fun begins.