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Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021)
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Reviews for Star Wars: The Bad Batch

This show was really strange because there were several things that should make it terrible. There was almost no character development, there wasn’t really a main story for the show and the main villain rarely showed up. If you look at it as a critic, sure it lacked some vital elements but as a St

i would say out of all animated sw shows this is the worst one due to the crazy amount of fillers but by the other side the peak content it really was some of the best sw peaks, the animation really improved too

I wanted to give this season more, I really did. It had some fantastic episodes, especially near the end. But I simply cannot justify the amount of slog The Bad Batch produced that was simply a chore to get through. When The Bad Batch is on form it’s damn near perfect. However it very rarely lives

a 50/50 debut season, like the concept of a clone squadron operating against the empire is good but idk the execution felt weird, and even sometimes i found omega annoying asf tho but lets see if it gets better at season 2

Meebur Gascon didn't appear but other than that I guess it's fine. REALLY mixed bag.

This was fine.

Watched: 27 February - 1 May 2024

The amount of filler is genuinely offensive and reminds me of Clone Wars Seasons 1 and 2. The good thing is the episodes that do concern the overarching story are really, really good.

End of the trailer had me frothing at the mouth ASAJJ VENTRESS? WITH A YELLOW LIGHTSABER? she's so baddielicious

This show is annoyingly inconsistent. When it’s good it’s peak and when it’s not it’s aggressively mid, hopefully they step it up next season The crosshair eps were so good though.

if you asked me to recall most of the non-crosshair eps I wouldn’t be able to do it

The highs were higher than season 1 but as a whole I'd say this season was a step down. Still doing a great job at building intrigue, though. Can't wait to see what Filoni is planning with this and The Mandalorian in relation to how it leads into Rise of Skywalker. He won't be able to make Rise of S

This season fluctuated so much it was painful. It is very mid. There’s high highs and super duper low lows. Cid ruins everything and so does Wanda Sykes’ character. Wish Cid would’ve just gotten shot or something. She has no purpose. Crosshair episodes were the best but there’s barely any of them. B

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too much omega😙

This season skirted by with a 3/5 but the most common score I have per episode was a 2.5/5. This is very much another mid season. It’s just so slow and boring most of the time. Every now and then something cool will happen, but it’s no where near as exciting or fun or awesome as The Clone Wars. It’s

68% 👌 I remember watching this season last year during the Spring and not liking it AT ALL, but upon rewatch, I definitely underrated this season a bit, but it is a little worse than Season 1 and it is due to the filler episodes. The filler episodes in this season bring it down a ton and if they w

very unfortunate that a majority of the episodes centered around the title characters are the least interesting, and rather boring, ones. and i think that has to do with how little the main characters have been developed. a bit of a mixed bag overall, especially at the start, but it got better as th

A lil better than S1 but still not good enough. Plenty of episodes were sooo boring

While season two of The Bad Batch has a fair amount of insanely glorious highlights, it’s ultimately a disappointing step down from the beginnings of a show that has constantly been struggling to find its footing on a weirdly unpredictable level. A lack of passion is clearly not the problem - the a

quite literally skipped four episodes and didn’t miss a beat or any extra characterization to my knowledge. That being said the highs are so insanely high that I can’t rate it any lower. #JusticeForCrosshair’sRuntime

“Strap in, kid. You’re not gonna want to miss this view.” is what I hope to say for every Star Wars show but unfortunately the bad batch somehow always feel’s underwhelming. Maybe it’s because Omega is just too irritating or the pace and storyline don’t match at times, but I just went about finish

Uhmm... nice to have, I guess. I honestly don't care for the members of the Bad Batch but still, this show was definitely decent. I like it.

I’ve never really been a big fan of the bad batch so I didn’t really like this season… but I must say when the episodes were good they were GOOD