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South Park (1997)
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Reviews for South Park

When you think of South Park what do you think of do you think of Eric Cartman do you think of Mr. Garrison or do you think of the wacky adventures that these kids will have whatever you think of it is apparent that these creators knew what they were doing and they took dark risky and edgy comedy to

Definitely did not watch this entire season in one day

Bout to watch 26 seasons of this shit

Solid season, nothing terribly special but definitely the most I’ve been into this show in awhile. Really wish these things weren’t so short.

By far the best season of the show up to this point. Not only in the overall consistency but just quality in general. There were probably 4-5 episodes this season that I’d consider the best of the show so far. Mostly thanks to the concepts and writing for the episodes being elevated. Whether it was

Hard to say this isn’t easily the best season so far when it had 3 of the best episodes of the entire show(as well as just being way more consistent). The only ep that wasn’t funny throughout was the Terrence and Phillip ep, hope they just abandon those characters but who knows. Otherwise the episod

It’s a very clever show with unique ideas and those ideas are implemented in every season wether they work or not is another thing completely. I like to compare this show to sports highlights because there’s tons of great episodes of South Park but whenever I think about the show I always wanna watc

It’s tuff because I do believe that this is a great season and all but it has a lot of not good crappy episodes, plus the fact that some of the best episodes 200 & 201 are banned. Top 3 ———- 1. 201 2. Medicinal fried chicken 3. 200

66 Didn’t expect to love this so much at the very beginning. If it’s already this good… and it only gets *better*? I’m in for some peak TV. This might stand against the early seasons of Family Guy, The Simpsons, etc. I don’t think the humor is anything *too* clever, but the crude nature of it speak

The best South Park season I’ve seen thus far, just filled with absolute banger episodes and some of the best ever. Off to season 12

The extended 5 episode length to this season didn’t necessarily help it imo. Bc just like the first season this didn’t really hit its stride until episode 7/8 ish. But the peak of this season was just as good as the last, and some of the characters felt like started consistently landing with their j

Pretty good season sprinkled with some absolutely legendary episodes… Top 3 ——— 1. Butters’ Bottom Bitch 2. Fishsticks 3. The coon

A bit more consistent than season 1, but still hasn’t really decided what it wants to be yet

Ages decently. Even though it wasn’t necessarily consistent and some episodes were better than others. But it really picked up the consistency towards the end of the season. I love the 4 main kids, they’re all funny, as well as their relatives and basically every other side character in this show so

Amazing season, Kenny leaving allowed for butters and tweek to get real development become personal favourites. Still really glad to see Kenny come back tho.

A really really dissapointing season, had a few really good episodes but also some of the worst episodes I’ve watched. As of now I don’t think I’m gonna keep watching this show. Idk but we’ll see

Again another inconsistent season but the least inconsistent so far. The difference for me is that this season has a few of the worst episodes so far and also a handful of the best. I also liked that some of the side characters like Tweak, Butters, Randy, etc, got more attention this season too Top

After 14 seasons of greatness this might be the thing thats pissed me off the most since the owl house was announced

this was a really low 4. it just graced it, but still a massive upgrade from last season and I really enjoyed it. fav episode - clubhouses or ikes wee wee average rating - 3.75

kyle broflovski you are my best friend!! i will adopt you i’m so serious

Mr. Garrison is The Narrator and Mr. Hat is Tyler Durden

Some of the best South Park in a looooong time

Definitely not one of the best seasons of the series... not even one of the shortest but it was definitely worth watching... I'm waiting to see how the next season will develop when it comes out! Season 25 Review Started watching it in 07/02 Finished watchi

Weakest season in a while, had some absolute bangers but was mostly mid…