Backdrop poster for Sonic Boom (2014)
Sonic Boom (2014)
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Reviews for Sonic Boom

So so so underrated I will defend this show until I die.

I love this show I don't care what anyone says it's peak comedy

diferent but good I liked the redesign the new characters are awsome and the jokes are the best part the fourth wall jokes are pretty cool

“What a swell adventure! I sure hope there’s more next year.” “Just think of all the hundreds more stories to be told using the same 8 characters and 4 locations! The possibilities are limitless!” This show is essentially the Teen Titans Go of the Sonic franchise, the first season especially. But I

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sonic but he doesnt pay taxes

They really should make another season 😔

I actually enjoy this show more than any sonic game I’ve ever played! To be fair, I haven’t played any of the true classics but this show is just so funny!

No significant improvements are made from the first season and Sticks isn’t in it enough but it’s otherwise on par and entertaining 🔥

With the 3rd movie having come out 6 weeks ago, I decided to revisit both Sonic X and Sonic Boom after not watching either of them at all since probably 2021. On this rewatch of Boom, with an “older” perspective on the show and more time passed since it ended, it’s safe to say I don’t have a lot of